March 4, 2013 Photo by Martin Murphy
Shutdown 2012 Machine Status: Linac running with NTF Treatments, RFQ and Linac commissioning Booster beam commissioning and studies TeV & Muon Rings – Partially available for tours with approval and appropriate training
Power Outages - Unplanned Feeder 46B o Tuesday, January 29th Isolated fault (Between F4 & P71) Repairs pending
MSS Bypass Project - Completed Booster High Intensity Lab (HIL) Neutrino Service Building 7 (NS7) Proton Service Building 1 (PS1) Neutrino Service Building 1 (NS1)
Power Outages – MSS Bypass Project MS2 Oil Switch o February 25 th for ~ 2 weeks Will be running house power off a generator (Until 3/8) Impacts – MS2 Service Building and Adjacent Enclosure (M02) MS1 Oil Switch o March 11 th for ~ 2 weeks (3/11 or 3/ ) Will be running house power off a generator Impacts – MS1 Service Building and Adjacent Enclosure (M01)
Power Outages – Planned WH8FC – Wilson Hall 8 th Floor Fiber Central Sunday, March 10 from 0600 – 1200 ○ Although this is a very local power outage, its effects are widespread and all networking in Wilson Hall will be offline including: Finance backup systems (5th floor) Remote Operating Center (ROC) Com Center 12th floor control room Service Desk Cardkey Access – works but no changes or updates ○ DOE Office CUB Minos/IF Underground networking FESS/WH building monitoring (16th floor) Several redundant Kerberos, Windows and Fermi domain controllers will also be down when WH8FC is powered off.
Shutdown 2012 Schedules and Links: Schedule can be accessed from the Operations Home Page - Schedules -> Operations Schedule Direct link to schedule - ANU - Proton Source - l