Objective: We will analyze an article using a partner share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. BELL WORK 24 October 2013…………………….8 minutes Write down the questions and then respond: Is absolute power ever a good thing? Absolute power is a good thing when__________. Absolute power is not a good thing when_________. A situation in which having absolute power may be beneficial is________. Another example where having absolute power can hinder society is _________.
Objective: We will analyze an article using a partner share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. Number off, grab a post-it, have your article ready. Follow directions for sections. Take your things and meet your buddy group— each person reads one sentence. After reading, write ONE word on your sticky note taken from what you read…the MOST IMPORTANT WORD! Cover up your word so no one can see…
Objective: We will analyze an article using a partner share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. Reveal your word when I say to and say, “I think this word is important because_____.” Display all of the important words Choose 3-4 words and write a MOST IMPORTANT SENTENCE to summarize your section Tape your sentence on the board and share with class
Objective: We will analyze an article using a partner share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. Draw 4 squares on a piece of paper Look at the reminders for a 4 square
Informational Text... Reading Strategy: Close and Critical Reading Bookmarks can be found at: What does the text say?How does the text say it? What does the text mean? So... What does it mean to me? This is your summary Determine: The gist/central idea is _________. (Specific evidence to support) (Ideas in order of importance) (Obvious/logical inferences) This is the author’s craft & structure 1.The information is organized by___________. Cause/effect, time, topic, compare/contrast, persuasion 2.This was written from_____________ point of view/perspective. 3. The style is____, the mood is_____, the tone is___. 4. The sources of information/facts are___________. This is the claim; the author’s intent The author’s stance/perspective towards the topic is ____________________. The author uses language to shape the tone by ______________________. The concepts that make the reasoning possible are ________. The purpose, end or objective(s) is ____________. This is where you make a connection to your life Text Self: This reminds me of ____in my life. This is different from my life because_____. I was feeling _____when I read this. Text Text: This is similar to other things I’ve read/watched by_____. I have/have not read something like this before. Text World: This reminds me of _____in the real world. THIs relates to the world around me by _________. This is similar/different to things that have happened around me because _________.
Objective: We will analyze an article using a partner share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. Literary Terms Sheet Exit Ticket Post-It: Today I realized____.
Thursday Agenda Objective: We will explain Act III using a group share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. Thursday (quiz returned—Alakari must take quiz) BELL WORK 24 October 2013…………………………………………………..10 minutes Respond to the prompt in complete sentences. Pen to paper for the entire 10 minutes. Was John Proctor a good man? John Proctor was ___________.
Objective: We will explain Act III using a group share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. The Crucible Act III Number off (1-6) 1. Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages 92-94
Objective: We will explain Act III using a group share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. The Crucible Act III Grab a post-it Take your pen/pencil and meet your buddy group—each person reads a part Now, write ONE word on your sticky note taken from what you read…the MOST IMPORTANT WORD! Cover up your word so no one can see Reveal your word when I say to and say, “This word is important to this section of the play because_____.” Display all of the important words Choose 3-4 words and write a MOST IMPORTANT SENTENCE Share your sentence with the class
Objective: We will explain Act III using a group share. Language: We will justify positions using a sentence stem. Status Rises, Status Falls Worksheet for Act II Action and Explanation Worksheet for Act III