This I Believe Daily Journal For each journal, you are required to copy down the prompt as it is written, and then write an answer with a minimum of 2 paragraphs, 4-6 sentences each. If you run out of room, you can write in the margins or on a separate piece of paper, which you will need to attach to this document.
Day One Everyone has problems or challenges to overcome in life. What has been the most challenging or rewarding moment in your life? What did you gain or learn from the experience?
Day Two Did you ever have to confront or deal with someone very different from you? If so, what happened? What did you learn? If not, explain what that might be like.
Day Three Have you ever been disappointed because someone made you a promise that they failed to keep? Or have you broken a promise that you made to someone else? Explain your experience. What did you learn from this?
Day Four We are often taught valuable lessons about life by other people. Discuss a time someone taught you a lesson about life; what was the lesson, how did you learn it, who taught it to you, etc.
Day Five Finish this sentence: “If there is one thing I’ve learned about life, it is…” Explain what the lesson is and how you learned it.
Day Six Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t quite have the courage to take action when you felt you should? If not, think of a time when you felt someone else needed to take action. Give details.
Day Seven Have you ever had a “do something” moment when you realized you needed to make a change? Have you ever felt you needed to do better at something in your life, such as school, friendships, relationships, etc?
Day Eight As a teenager, what do you believe are the most important “rules to live by”? When did you learn those rules and who taught you?
Day Nine We all tend to judge people by their appearances, even though looks can be deceiving. Have you ever prejudged someone incorrectly based on appearances, or has someone ever prejudged you unfairly based on how you look? Give details.
Day Ten Have you ever changed your mind about something that you were previously certain about? What was it? Why did you change your mind? Give detail.