Table Topics is also a Speech Opening Body Conclusion Relate to things you know/experiences of your life Try opening the speech with a quote.
Tips and Tricks for Table Topics Have an open mind as you attempt the table topics Don’t have fixed opening and conclusions Use a combination of Techniques Reading helps Practise
Chronology Past Present Future Conclusion
Pro’s Vs Con’s List the Pro’s List the Con’s Conclude Keep your Conclusion in sync with what you spoke
SPELT Social Political / Philosophical Education/Economy /Environment Legal Technology Choose one of the Above and relate the topic to it
Problem Solution Technique Problem Solution Conclude Keep your Conclusion in sync with what you spoke
Keyword Technique Pick up a key word in the topic and speak about it. Relate it to your life Conclude well
Three Point Technique Start of by saying that there are 3 points to make. As you are in the first point generate the second and the third ones. Relate to movies/experiences of your life etc. Use pro’s and con’s inherently This must be your last option while attempting any topic.
Test Topics – Q&A Give me some test topics and lets attempt them
My Mentor– Shashank Bhavaraju
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