An Effective MBA Project Work By K V Kannan M.B.A., M.F.T., (Ph.D.,) Faculty, School of Management VLB Janakiammal College of Engg. & Tech., Kovaipudur, Coimbatore – Mobile:
Project – Career Projects are passport for your career
Getting Started Identify your career objectives List out companies that match your career objectives Analyse the career opportunities prevailing in those companies Identify Top 3 Companies belonging to the business sector Send your tailor-made Resume Cont..
Getting Started (Cont…) Follow-up personally, and through telephonic conversation or Make sure that MBAs are there to guide you in your company Make sure about your placements in the same company Interact with the executives for further information and detail
Planning for Project Work Allocate sufficient Time for secondary data collection Time for primary data collection Time for analysis Time for report preparation Prepare an article based on the project work and send it to reputed journals or websites for publication in order to get an added advantage
Written Report Presentation 1.Title Page 2.(a) Content (b) List of Tables (c) List of Figures 3. Executive Summary 4. Introduction 5. Objectives 6. Research Methodology* 7. Analysis & Interpretation 8. Findings 9. Suggestions 10. Conclusion 11. Annexure 12. Bibliography & Webliography Cont..
Content of Research Methodology* Data Source Geographical Area Sample Size Sampling Unit Sampling Technique Research Design Research Instrument Questionnaire Design Interview Method Statistical Analysis