A Career Unit For High School Students
Students will take an active role in completing surveys and self-evaluations to identify a career that most likely matches their strengths, values and interests. They will then conduct research to gain specific information about that career. That information will be published in a digital photo story.
Students are the decision makers. After all, it is their future. Students will follow the steps in this guide to identify & describe a career choice they can “live with.” This is what I want the students to accomplish.
On a written assessment, students will be asked to identify their career interest. Students will be asked to tell what they know about this career. Salary, duties, educational requirements, outlook, and attributes.
Students will respond to an on-line career survey at Their preferences will be matched to one or more career clusters. Students will respond to a “Looking Inward” questionnaire that surveys work values. Students will analyze results and choose the career that most appeals to them.
Students will be evaluated daily on their effort and performance. Students will earn points for demonstrating “daily requirements.” Daily Requirements Be on time Be prepared Be on task Be appropriate
Essential Question How do you consider careers which are in concert with your interests and work values? Unit Questions Of all the careers, what makes this career worthwhile in tomorrow’s workplace?
How do you identify and analyze career interests? How do you identify and analyze work values? How do you find information about a career? How do you describe the educational requirements and attributes of a career?
A rubric will be used to evaluate the thoroughness of the final project.