Sparta High School Continuous School Improvement Plan
The mission of the Sparta Area School District will ensure all students a high quality educational experience and skills relevant to the 21 st century SASD Goals for Continuously improve student academic achievement Develop students of character Continuously improve the culture of the Sparta Area School District Students Parents Employees Align financial position to accomplish District goals Continuously improve our strong financial position
“The vision of the SHS is to establish a supportive learning community committed to excellence that promotes critical thinking, wellness, creativity, and social responsibility to ensure all students the necessary skills to be productive citizens.”
Our Basis for Improvement State report card ACT ASPIRE WISDASH MAPS PBIS RTI School Perceptions Staff Questionnaire
State Report Card: Celebrations! MVC Rank: 2 nd
Detailed Report Card Findings Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) US Department of Education requires states to establish achievable AMOs in reading and mathematics proficiency DPI has set a goal for all Wisconsin schools: By , the expectation is for all schools to have all student groups reach about 50% reading proficiency and 65% mathematics proficiency or higher. But also to have a 1% student growth in each subgroup
ACT Report
Aspire Report 9 th Grade
Area for Improvement: After looking at our detailed school report card, an area for improvement is the AMO for Math proficiency Goal Statement {SMART GOAL}: By , students at SHS will see, on average, a 2.5% points a year growth as measured by the math proficiency Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) detailed on the SHS state report card. Action Plan Strategies and Activities Desired Results MonitoringResults IndicatorPerson(s) responsible TimelineResources needed and possible source Common formative assessment Learning Outcomes Cross curricular, grade-level and building level PLC Common Core Standards Skill and Content College and Career Readiness Standards Professional Development Equity building activities 56% AMO from School Report Card as set by the DPI MAPS, ASPIRE, CFA, Summative Assessment, annual school report card State Report AMO % Primary: Math educators Supporters: All Faculty in all content areas 3 years PLC time PD on CFA PD on equity Low SES Common Planning Time Sparta High School School Improvement Action Plan Smart Goal #1 of 2
Area for Improvement: After looking at our detailed ASPIRE report, an area for improvement is our SHS composite ACT score. Our current predicted composite score for all freshmen taking the ACT is Goal Statement {SMART GOAL}: By , juniors at SHS will achieved, on average, a composite ACT score of 22. Action Plan Strategies and Activities Desired ResultsMonitoringResults IndicatorPerson(s) responsible TimelineResources needed and possible source Common formative assessment Learning Outcomes Cross curricular, grade- level and building level PLC Common Core Skill and Content College and Career Readiness Standards PD PLC: SLO development Question analysis of ACT and ASPIRE ELO aligned between grade levels ACT and ASPIRE composite scores of 22 MAPS, ASPIRE, CFA, Summative Assessment, ACT Yearly ACT and ASPIRE data All departments 3 years PLC time PD on CFA Common Planning Time Training on ACT question development Training on ACT and ASPIRE data Staff attending ACT conference Sparta High School School Improvement Action Plan Smart Goal #2 of 2
SHS Guiding Philosophy ALL STUDENTS CAN LEARN AND AT HIGH LEVELS Best effort Relationships Respect Responsible Every kid, every teacher, every day Excellence for all Critical thinking Inquiry Citizenship Success for all Equal opportunity Pride Relevance Self advocacy Safe environment
SHS Core Values All students can achieve High Expectations Building relationships Integrity Collaboration Excellence Accountable Leadership Moral Values Growth Mindset Equitable education for all
Where Do We Go From Here.. Each department or PLC will create, share and implement a school learning objective for continued student improvement The school’s PBIS committee will use the data to create, share and implement a school learning objective targeting student behavior Continue to provide a rigorous, relevant curriculum and high quality instruction to prepare all students for the future Continued monitoring and support from administration Professional development geared toward aligning PLCs and common formative assessments with SHS SMART goals
Revisiting of SHS Vision/Mission Continue to monitor SHS SMART goals and school wide learning objectives using data analysis Ensure PLC, PD, schedule, resources, etc. align with mission and vision Team members involved during this process: Team leaders Administration Office representative Board of Education member Students Parents Community member
REFOCUSED VISION: “Educating ALL students for high levels of success in ALL areas!”