Objectives Define the origins of Absolute Monarchy Define the origins of Absolute Monarchy Explain the growth of Central European kingdoms Explain the growth of Central European kingdoms Characterize the differences between Russia and the rest of Western Europe Characterize the differences between Russia and the rest of Western Europe
Essential Question What impact did Absolutism have on European society? What impact did Absolutism have on European society?
Absolute Monarchs Kings or queens who believe that all of the power with in the state belongs to them
Divine Right Belief that god created the monarchy and the monarch is God’s representative
Growing Power of the Monarch Growing middle class supported the monarch Growing middle class supported the monarch Break down of church authority Break down of church authority Colonies were used to supply wealth Colonies were used to supply wealth
Crises leads to absolutism Religious and territorial conflicts led to continuous warfare Religious and territorial conflicts led to continuous warfare
Raised taxes on the poor Raised taxes on the poor Monarchs Placed themselves above the representative government and the nobility Monarchs Placed themselves above the representative government and the nobility Monarchs Monarchs Monarchs
Philip II of Spain Became the richest king in Became the richest king in the world Spanish Armada Spanish Armada Defender of Catholicism Defender of Catholicism appeared strong appeared strong because of wealth
Religious Wars Rip France Apart Between 1562 and 1598 the Catholics and Huguenots fought 8 religious wars. Between 1562 and 1598 the Catholics and Huguenots fought 8 religious wars.
Henry of Navarre First king of the Bourbon dynasty First king of the Bourbon dynasty Edict of Nantes – Edict of Nantes – declaration of religious tolerance
Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu Appointed Cardinal Appointed CardinalRichelieu Moved against the Moved against the Huguenots Huguenots Weakened nobles power Weakened nobles power Involved France in the Involved France in the Thirty Years’ war
Louis XIV believed that he and the believed that he and the state were one and the Same Surrounded himself with luxuries Surrounded himself with luxuries Controlled the nobility Controlled the nobility
Versailles Massive palace that stretched for 500 yards Massive palace that stretched for 500 yards Small royal city Small royal city The envy of all of Europe’s monarchs The envy of all of Europe’s monarchs
Louis’s fatal mistakes Massive Population E Expanding France Continuous expansion
War of Spanish Succession King of Spain dies and gives throne to Phillip of Anjou – King Louis XIV’s grandson King of Spain dies and gives throne to Phillip of Anjou – King Louis XIV’s grandson England, Dutch Republic, Portugal, and several German and Italian states joined together against France and Spain England, Dutch Republic, Portugal, and several German and Italian states joined together against France and Spain
Treaty of Utrecht – 1713 Phillip kept Spain as long as France and Spain did not unite Phillip kept Spain as long as France and Spain did not unite Great Britain gets Gibraltar, permission to sell slaves in Spanish Colonies, and gave Britain Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay area Great Britain gets Gibraltar, permission to sell slaves in Spanish Colonies, and gave Britain Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay area Austrian Hapsburgs – Spanish Netherlands and Spanish land in Italy Austrian Hapsburgs – Spanish Netherlands and Spanish land in Italy Prussia was recognized as kingdoms Prussia was recognized as kingdoms
Ivan the Terrible Declared himself Czar (Caesar) Declared himself Czar (Caesar) Good period - Expanded Good period - Expanded territory, code of laws Reign of Terror - secret police Reign of Terror - secret policeForce Time of Troubles - Russia Time of Troubles - Russia had no ruler and boyars fought for control
Peter the Great Westernizing Russia Westernizing Russia Introduced potatoes Introduced potatoes Started Russia’s first Started Russia’s firstnewspaper Raised women’s status Raised women’s status Nobles had to wear Nobles had to wear western clothes Advanced education Advanced education St. Petersburg St. Petersburg
Power of the Czar Forced change upon his people Forced change upon his people Holy Synod – In charge of Church Holy Synod – In charge of Church Low Ranking families in charge Low Ranking families in charge Westernized Army Westernized Army Heavy taxes Heavy taxes
Ferdinand II Head of the Hapsburg Family Head of the Hapsburg Family Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Emperor Closed Protestant Churches Closed Protestant Churches Crushed by France in Crushed by France in 30 Years War
Peace of Westphalia Strengthened France by awarding it German Territory Strengthened France by awarding it German Territory Independent German Princes Independent German Princes Ended religious wars in Europe Ended religious wars in Europe New method of Peace negotiations New method of Peace negotiations Church looses control Church looses control
Eastern Europe vs. Western Europe
Eastern Europe Serfdom – tenant farm or type of slavery Serfdom – tenant farm or type of slavery Weak Empires Weak Empires
Austrian Empire Maria Theresa – 1700’s Maria Theresa – 1700’s Controlled several different nationalities Controlled several different nationalities Ruled by the Hapsburgs Ruled by the Hapsburgs
Prussia Ruling Family – Hohenzollerns Ruling Family – Hohenzollerns Military society Military society Strongest and best trained in Central Europe Strongest and best trained in Central Europe
Fredrick the Great Believed that a ruler Believed that a ruler should be like a father
Seven Years War First World War ? First World War ? War is fought in America, Europe, and East Asia War is fought in America, Europe, and East Asia French and Indian War French and Indian War Britain gained all of Frances Britain gained all of Frances colonies in America and India Prussia emerges as an Prussia emerges as an European power