Hawk Time Good Things! Rv0 R-Q
3 rd Hour—8 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters 3. Read pages in the blue book 4. Complete the worksheets (DUE END OF CLASS!!!)
4 th Hour—8 th Grade Science Class 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters 3. Read pages in the blue book 4. Complete the worksheets (DUE END OF CLASS!!!)
5 th Hour—7 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters 3. Read pg in the green book 4. Worksheets Due END-of-CLASS
6 th Hour—Science Olympiad Mission Egg Drop Project Egg Drop work day with your partner! TEST DAY---MONDAY!
7 th Hour—8 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters 3. Read pages in the blue book 4. Complete the worksheets (DUE END OF CLASS!!!)
8 th Hour—8 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters 3. Read pages in the blue book 4.Complete the worksheets (DUE END OF CLASS!!!) Remember 2:05 pm – Announcements (QUIET!!) – Clean Up – Planner Check