We all belong to different groups?
Do you belong to any groups?
What are Rainbows? The Rainbow Jigsaw has four areas: Look Learn Laugh Love Look: at the wider world, perhaps through crafts or games from around the globe, or learning about festivals from other cultures. Learn: Rainbows learn by taking part in a wide range of activities such as trying out crafts and recipes, playing games and visiting local places of interest. A representative from the RSPCA might come to a meeting to talk about looking after pets or a police officer might come to explain to the girls about road safety. Laugh: Rainbows have lots of fun. Meetings involve games, songs, parties, celebrations and making a mess! Girls love sleepovers too! Love: Through Rainbows, girls learn about caring and sharing with family and friends, working together, fair play, and being considerate and helpful to others.
What are Beavers? Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony.
The Brownie Adventure has three areas: you community world You: Brownies build friendships and learn to share with others by working together in small groups called 'Sixes'. They get a say in what happens at Brownies through discussions or 'Pow-wows', which help them develop decision-making skills and the ability to put their views across. Community: by helping them understand and participate in their communities. This could mean raising money for charities or visiting local places of interest. World: Our programme encourages girls to learn about the wider world. Activities could involve celebrating a festival from a different culture, finding out about endangered animal species, or learning how they can combat climate change. What are Brownies?
There are loads of fun things that you can do as a Cub Scout. You will get a chance to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, computing and collecting. If you do them properly you will get a badge which you can wear on your uniform. Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out, to places like the zoo, theme parks or a farm. Sometimes you will be able to go camping with the rest of your Pack. This will mean you sleeping in a tent and doing loads of outdoor activities. What are Cubs?