Reflective Intelligence Chapter 9
Disposition = habitual inclination; a tendency They are proclivities that lead us in one direction or other (within the freedom of action that we have) Predictability--> result of interaction between nature and nurture They evolve from electrochemical compositions, allocations and interactions that mediate human behavior Some are genetic (millions of years of natural selection) Some can be seen immediately and others within the developmental stages Humans are prepared by their biology to: Form friendships Fall in love Cope with fear Move toward their goals Despite difficulties Survival Value
Notes on Dispositions The brain believes that it should behave in that manner (pattern could be either good or bad) brain decision that it is of value Starts at infancy Inherit neurochemistries avoidance reaction To novelty Other names: Habits, tendencies, inclinations, attitudes, personality, character or temperament Genetic blueprints malleable by experiences
The frontal lobes coordinate and lead other natural structures in concerted action – they are the brain’s command post The dynamic process of the evolution of the brain necessitated a machanism to manage it frontal lobes Coordinated, constrained and organized neural activities Resolve, create and project – a true organ of civilization Information patterns are the currency of intelligence – reflection is the compounding of returns Reflection is putting together mental narratives about events, issues, possible actions, probable effects the capacity to analyze, plan and predict This capacity emerged as result of the evolutionary social experience Reflection is how we know ourselves in the past, future and present
Notes on Reflection Reflection enmeshed with other types of intelligence Brain is moving information at will to generate alternative images (new and established information) Role of the frontal lobe: Goals and objectives Plan of action Select cognitive skills required Coordinate these skills Organizes them in order Evaluate actions R E D P C S Multiple Dimensions of Reflection Physiological fMRI electrochemical activity (cortex) Social interaction with knowledge of other brains dissonance & options others information make you think and reevaluate yours Emotional-->emotional centers of the brain must judge the situation worthy of attention Constructive this motivation provides the brain to construct knowledge “I want to learn” Dispositional practice = habit to analyze, create and resolve Reflection = the capacity to replay information sequences & patterns in your brain