Enables a minimum rate of forgetting No notes = forget 60% of information Take notes = Remember 60% of info. Organized Notes = Remember % of info.
They are organized!! Promotes Note: Taking Making Interacting Interpreting Original thought Higher order thought Personal connections
Step 1 – Taking notes. = Eating Broccoli Step 2 – Left (Cue) column. (most challenging) = Digesting Step 3 – Summarizing Notes. = Vitamins/Nutrients Step 1 Notes as delivered by teacher or lecturer/Brocolli Don’t like it But we need it Step 2 Digesting/Interactions Step 3 – Summarize 2-3 sentences at most Vitamins/Nutrients = Good Stuff Interactions: Asking a question Analyzing (describe the various parts) Interpreting (explain meaning) Evaluating (explain the value) Reflecting (express personal thoughts/opinions) Predicting the effect Creating a drawing or illustration Making a personal connection