Understanding yourself It is important to understand the things you like and dislike, the things that you are good at and not so good at, the types of experiences that you enjoy and those that you don’t enjoy, etc. in order to find a career path that fits you. By putting some thought into this now, you are more likely to pursue a career that you will enjoy.
Write about yourself Answer the following questions about yourself and write a paragraph (or more) about yourself. What are your characteristics and qualities? What makes you unique? What are your interests and hobbies? What work-type experiences have you had (if any)? Have you enjoyed those experiences? What careers are you interested in? What do you plan to do after high school and beyond? Have you thought the things that you will need to do to execute that plan? If so, explain how.
Wrap up Although we often think that we know ourselves, it is helpful to write it down and to consolidate our thoughts. Put your summary in your Advisory folder and revisit it at the end of the year or sometime later to see if you would make any changes to your summary. Finding a career is an ongoing process. By continuing to evaluate ourselves in terms of the things that you have written about today, you will be better able to find a career pathway that fits you.