July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa1 Configuration Management Process 2 Minor Changes (pages 2 & 5)
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa2 Configuration Management Process Process Owner Product/ Outputs CustomerSchedule Template Process Documentation COLSA CM ECR, Supporting Documentation and Evaluation Form ECR Distribution Memo Consolidated Comments Matrix (CCM) Pre-TCM Matrix Post-TCM Matrix TCM Agendas and Minutes CCB Agendas and Minutes CCBDs Program Control Number (PCN) Folders (Electronic & Hardcopy) Baseline and revised documents Up-to-date POIF CM Website Configuration Tracking & Status (CTAS) Database CM Status Reports (metrics) EO03 EO10 EO20 EO30 JSC/CB JSC/OZ JSC/SM3 ARC SLO HRF Lockheed-Martin (LM) Boeing PIM’s Payload Developers TBE Process to Approval - 1 month (unless time constraint) POIF-1007 (SSP 58334) (CM Plan) Desktop Instructions
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa3 Configuration Management Process Compliance Documents POIF-1007 (SSP 58334) (CM Plan) SSP (Configuration Management Requirements) SSP (Configuration Management Handbook) SSP (ISS Export Control Plan) MPD (MSFC Export Control Program) NPR (NASA Records Retention Schedule)
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa4 Configuration Management Process Functions Maintain and provide support for the processing and statusing of ECRs, Waivers, and CCBDs for POIF change activities for the Payload Operations Data File Control Board (PODFCB), NASA Payload Operations Control Board (NPOCB), and Technical Coordination Meetings (TCM). This process is for Flight, Non-flight, and Increment Specific changes. NPOCB/PODFCB CCB Representatives: CM Operations Director’s Office Space Systems Operations Planning, Operations, & Analysis Training & Crew Operations Safety TBE Crew Office Payload, Research Office Human Life Sciences OZ2, OZ3, OZ4 Maintain information for the POIF CM Web Site in support of the operations preparation activities. This includes posting Engineering Change Requests (ECR), Waivers, Change Control Board Directives (CCBD), Meeting Agenda and Minutes, Delinquent Action Reports, CM Status Reports (Metrics), Calendars, and POIF Management items.
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa5 Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa6 Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa7 FORWARD WORK Transfer of Control of Documentation Future submittal of multiple CRs transferring document control from JSC to MSFC for approximately 18 NPOCB and 2 PODFCB documents. Until the applicable CR is approved, an update to an existing document with an SSP number will have to be released with that SSP number. After the CR is approved, an update will reflect the POIF document number (POIF-1000 series for NPOCB and POIF-2000 series for PODFCB). A listing of the new POIF number, related SSP number, and document title are on charts 9 thru 17. CoFR Product Matrix CM added task. CM is currently assessing the most efficient way to obtain and provide this data to POIF. CM Plan Schedule The revised CM Plan is currently on hold due to the submittal of a CR to JSC on 7/19/05 to transfer the control from JSC to MSFC. Once the CR is approved, the revised CMP will be distributed for review/comments and the document number will change from SSP to POIF The CMP working schedule is available on chart 18. Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa8 SSP DOCUMENT NUMBER CONVERSION TO POIF DOCUMENT NUMBERS Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa9 CRs will be generated for the NPOCB Documents listed under “JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:” to transfer the Control from JSC to MSFC. The “corresponding” POIF Document Number and Document Title are listed. POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF SSP 58304B-01B Note: 58304B-01C has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. GSP Training & Cert Plan, Vol 1 POIF SSP 58304B-02A Note: 58304B-02B has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. GSP Training & Cert Plan, Vol 2 POIF SSP 58304B-03A Note: 58304B-03B has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. GSP Training & Cert Plan, Vol 3 Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa10 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF-1001SSP 58301Cadre Operations Verification Plan POIF-1002SSP 58300Implementation Plan for Operations Control of US Partner Payload Hazards Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa11 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF-1003SSP 58309C Note: 58309D has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. Payload Training Imp Plan POIF-1004SSP 58311B Note: 58311C, D, and E have been approved by CCB and Rev E resides on the POIF Masterlist. POH, Vol 1 POIF-1005SSP 58312A Note: 58312B, C, and D have been approved by CCB and Rev D resides on the POIF Masterlist. POH, Vol 2 Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa12 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF-1006SSP 58318B Note: 58318C and D have been approved by CCB and Rev D resides on the POIF Masterlist. CoFR POIF-1007SSP 58334POIF CM Plan POIF-1008SSP 58335POIF DM Plan POIF-1009SSP 58336Payload Hazard Control Matrix POIF A-ADD1N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: EarthKAM POIF A-ADD2SSP A-ADD2PSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: MISSE POIF A-ADD3N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: BCAT POIF A-ADD4N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: CFE Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa13 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF A-ADD5N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: CEO POIF A-ADD6N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: FMVM POIF A-ADD7N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: EPO POIF A-ADD8N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: FOAM POIF A-ADD9N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: SNFM POIF A-ADD10N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: CBOSS POIF A-ADD11N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: ISSE POIF A-ADD12N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: MFMG POIF A-ADD13N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: DAFT Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa14 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF A-ADD14N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: SPHERES POIF A-ADD15N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: GAP POIF A-ADD16N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: EMMYS POIF A-ADD17N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: SEM POIF A-ADD18N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: HPA POIF A-ADD19N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: POEMS POIF A-ADD20N/APSM Vol 8: Standalone Addendum: SWAB POIF N/APSM Vol 6: MELFI POIF ADD1N/APSM Vol 6 Addendum: MOOCE Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa15 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF-1012SSP 58316PSRD, Vol 2 for MSG POIF ADD7N/APSM: ALTEA POIF N/A Note: SSP A has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. PSM Vol 3: HRF POIF SSP ADD4PSM Vol 7: MGS Addendum: InSPACE POIF SSP PSM Vol 1, Payload Support Systems POIF SSP PSM Vol 4: ARIS POIF SSP PSM Vol 5: Lab Support Equipment POIF-1019 Note: ECR in system for SSP 58313C-ANX1/10 Note: ECR in system for SSP 58313D SSP 58313C-ANX1/10ISS Payload Regulations Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa16 CR(s) will be generated for the PODFCB Documents listed under “JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:” to transfer the Control from JSC to MSFC. The “corresponding” POIF Document Number and Document Title are listed. POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF POIF POIF POIF POIF N/APOIC Ground Command Procedures, Volumes 1 thru 5 Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa17 POIF DOCUMENT #:JSC DOCUMENT # in EDMS:DOCUMENT TITLE: POIF-2001SSP 58700H Note: 58700J has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. PODF Management Plan POIF-2002N/AUS PODF Contents Definition Document POIF-2003N/AHigher Active Logic System Software Requirements Specification POIF-2004SSP ANX1 Note: ANX1A has been approved by CCB and resides on POIF Masterlist. US PODF Management Plan, Annex 1, Payload Timeliner Automated Procedures Configuration Management Process
July 26, 2005 Nelda Allen/Colsa18 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT PLAN SCHEDULE Complete Draft Revision Complete Internal CM Review Internal CM Tabletop Incorporate Tabletop Comments Generate ECR/Distribute ECR Review Complete Consolidate Comments/Disposition TCM Coordination with Chair NPOCB Approval Release Approved CMP Transmit CMP via Colsa Contracts Memo to Boeing Completed 06/06/05 08/04/05 08/11/05 08/18/05 On Hold* TBD Plan Actual * CR was submitted to JSC on 07/19/05 to transfer control of CMP from JSC to MSFC.