Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew Pope Francis Bows, Asks For Blessing From Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew In Extraordinary Display Of Christian Unity Nov 30, 2014 Signed Joint Declaration on desire for unity Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI 1965 “erase from memory” excommunication of 1054
Growth of the Three Main Branches of CHRISTANITY
World Distribution of the Three main Christian Denominations
Percentage of Christian Denominations in the World
Community of Faith For most Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and other Protestant Christians, their practice of the faith is nurtured by a local faith community. What this faith community looks like varies, somewhat widely amongst the various Christian sects or communities.
Community of Faith Some Commonalities among Christian Faith Communities: They have an ordained minister/priest (could be male or female) whose central role is to serve the community. They usually have some active participation of the laity (the common followers) in ministry of the parish (committees, etc).
Community of Faith They have a weekly service/gathering. They have some form of Worship to God/Jesus. The laity are asked to contribute to the parish/church with their: Time, Talent, Treasure ( financial-tithe 10% of family income)
The Roman Catholic Church (St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome)
Cathedral of Christ the King, Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Cathedral Basilica’s Coat of Arms The Symbols Associated with it: The Chi Rho, 2 Crowns (King) Ombrellino, The keys Videbit-Eum Ominis- Oculus (Rev 1:7: Every eye will see him.” Bishop Douglas Crosby: Ca6tholic Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton. Mitre: Teaching authority Crosier: Shepherd’s Staff
Catholic Church: Ordained Service The Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Sacrament of ordination where men are called to the serve the ministerial work of the Church. 3 Distinct Groups of Ordained Service: Deacon: They are ordained primarily to serve the Word of God, and to Provide service to the Church. (in works of social justice). They can baptize, marry, and bury. Can be married. Priest: They are ordained primarily to serve in Catholic Parishes and focus on the celebration of the 6 sacraments- Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, Reconciliation. In most cases, are not married. Bishop: Oversees the ministry activities of the Diocese, and supports and leads the other two groups. Single.
Catholic Church: Religious Service In addition to those who are called to ordained service, the Church also has individuals who are called to Religious Life. These individuals belong to a Religious Community designed to serve the Church in a specific way. Men: brothers, monks Women: sisters, nuns
Religious Life: 3 Sacred Vows Roman Catholics, men and women, profess three vows when they are consecrated (dedicate their lives to Church and the service of the Church). Chastity: Control of your sexual feelings and impulses. Poverty: Detachment from material goods-not being able to own any amount of material wealth. Obedience: To the Superior; and, ultimately to the local Catholic Bishop. These vows free the human soul in a remarkable manner, so that it burns with a love for God and for all people “These vows free the human soul in a remarkable manner, so that it burns with a love for God and for all people" (Directives on Formation, 13; Perfectae Caritatis, 12).