1 EOSDIS Global Browse Tools and Services Ryan Boller February 7, 2012 LANCE User Working Group Meeting Washington D.C.
2 Driving Goal Provide full resolution product viewing capability for EOSDIS products; LANCE NRT products are being used as a pathfinder for a more general capability Approach Provide standardized services for brokers to pull and host or build their own interfaces to NRT imagery Provide a full-resolution, global browse tool that use the above services Global Browse Tools and Services
3 LANCE WMS client Work to Date Use case matrix Trade study for imagery server Backend ingest/serving pipeline for 50+ LANCE products Frontend for interactive browsing of 50+ LANCE products
LANCE WMS Client Has been testbed for browsing/downloading imagery, gathering user feedback, reengineering Rapid Response components Approx 3k users / month without advertising 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) data products overwhelming to users Need to categorize
Application/Product Use Case Matrix ApplicationMODISAIRSOMIAMSR-EComment Smoke PlumesAerosol 10km LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Vis radiances L2 CO AOD, AAOD and AI# Products = 15 Ash PlumesAerosol 10km MxD04_L2 LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Vis radiances L1B Brightness Temp diff for SO2 L2 SO2 for 4 layers L3 SO2 # Products = 17 L3 not yet available Dust StormsAerosol 10km LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Dust Score Vis radiances AOD, AAOD and AI# Products = 14 PollutionAerosol 3km Corr Reflect L2 COL2 SO2 for 4 layers# Products = 9 3 km Collection 6 only Severe StormsWater Vapor 1km and 5km Cloud Top Press and Temp 5km L1B IR radiancesCloud PressureRain Rate# Products = 10 ShippingSea Ice Ext 1km LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Band 31 Sea Ice Concen 12.5km# Products = 15 FisheriesSea Ice Ext 1km Corr Refl Sea Ice Concen 12.5km# Products = 5 3/20/2016 NASA Land and Athmosphere Capability for EOS (LANCE) 5 Blue Text = Products not implementedAMSR-E on hold
Application/Product Use Case Matrix ApplicationMODISAIRSOMIAMSR-EComment Transportation (Land)Fractional Snow Cover LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & Snow Water Eq Snow Depth 12.5km # Products = 12 FiresFire/Thermal 1km Surface Temp 1km LSR Bands Aerosol 10km L1B Vis radiances L2 CO # Products = 10 FloodsLSR Bands 1-2-1L2 Precip estimateRain Rate Soil Moisture # Products = 6 DroughtLSR Bands LSR Bands Fractional Snow Cover L2 Precip estimateSoil Moisture AE_Land3 # Products = 8 VegetationSurface Temp 1km Fractional Snow Cover LSR Bands LSR Bands # Products = 10 AgricultureSurface Temp 1km LSR Bands LSR Bands 1-2 Fractional Snow Cover # Products = 8 Oil SpillCorr Reflect LSR Bands /20/2016NASA Land and Athmosphere Capability for EOS (LANCE) 6 Blue Text = Products not implementedAMSR-E on hold
Imagery Server Trade Study Map / imagery server needed –Low latency for quick ingest of new products –Responsive for user interactivity –Flexible to support a variety of clients –Scalable to user demand and additional products Trade study with Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) at NASA / JPL –Tiled Web Mapping Service (TWMS) –Google Earth Enterprise –Statically-generated Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 7
Imagery Server Trade Study 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 8 Not a “black box” - can be evolved Compatibility with many clients: Google Earth, Google Maps, OpenLayers, NASA/ARC World Wind, others
System Architecture - Status Product ingest –50+ global data products being continuously ingested and served –Latency from map tile generation: 10-90min per product Map serving performance –Concurrent users: –Latency: ~0.5ms / request External users –One “external” partner: NASA/JPL State of the Oceans projectState of the Oceans –Others anxious: EPA, NGA, Vandenburg AFB, American Museum of Natural History… 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 9
Frontend Development: EOSDIS Worldview 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 10
EOSDIS Worldview 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 11 Web-based client developed using open standards (Javascript, CSS, HTML) for cross-device compatibility Builds on application areas, image products, and data pipelines defined by LANCE WMS client and use case matrix Current state of project: alpha –Ex: onscreen color bars missing, color tables themselves haven’t been confirmed, etc. iPad 2 compatible
Worldview Demo: –Interface overview –Sample usage Dust storms Floods Fires Snow/sea ice (in polar) 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 12
Future Work Worldview –Polar stereographicPolar stereographic –Imagery download –Custom subsets –Usability improvements (UI, color tables, product descriptions, etc) 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 13 Backend map services –Reduced latency of product ingest –Standardization to Open Geospatial Consortium WMTS –Evolving architecture to handle user demand –Publish specs for external users Longer-term / EOSDIS-wide –Kevin will speak to those next
Q & A Worldview (alpha): Questions for you now: What do you want out of this tool? What do you want out of these services? Questions / suggestions for me later: 3/20/2016NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 14
Backups 3/20/2016 NASA Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) 15
Tiled WMS Server Created by NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory High resolution imagery chopped into pre-generated map tiles – same approach as Google Maps Accessible via Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) WMS-like protocol Very low server overhead Image courtesy OGC WMTS documentation Upgrades in progress: Reduce latency of global mosaic generation Standardize to OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)