Why Should I Care About The Church? Ephesians 3:14-21
Why Should I Care About The Church? The church is from God. You need the church and the church needs you.
Love one another...John 13:34-35 Members one of another...Rom. 12:5 Honor one another...Rom. 12:10 Be devoted to one another...Rom. 12:10 Be of the same mind one toward another...Rom. 12:16 Edify one another...Rom. 14:19 Be like minded one toward another...Rom. 15:5 Receive ye one another...Rom. 15:7 Admonish one another...Rom. 15:14 Greet one another...Rom. 16:16 Care one for another...1 Cor. 12:25 By love serve one another...Gal. 5:13 Bear ye one another's burdens...Gal. 6:2 Forbearing one another in love...Eph. 4:2 Be kind one to another, tenderhearted...Eph. 4:32 Forgiving one another...Eph. 4:32 Submitting yourselves one to another...Eph. 5:21 Lie not one to another...Col. 3:9 Comfort one another...1 The. 4:18 Consider one another, to provoke to love and good works...Heb. 10:24 Exhorting one another...Heb. 10:25 Speak not evil one to another...Jam. 4:11 Grudge not one against another...Jam. 5:9 Confess your faults one to another...Jam. 5:16 Pray one for another...Jam. 5:16 Having compassion one of another...1 Pet. 3:8 Use hospitality one to another...1 Pet. 4:9 Have fellowship one with another...1 John 1:7
Why Should I Care About The Church? The church is from God. You need the church and the church needs you. God is glorified in the church.
Please, don’t leave without Christ and His church! Come to Him, today!