ASL Class 4/3/15
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Session 1: Results of Injuries and Mishaps Describing Injuries InjuryClassifier cutLCL:sideways 1”surface cut” BruisePURPLE DCL:C or bent L”spot on body part” ScratchDCL:bent 1”scratch” Multiple scratchesDCL:bent 5”scratches” Swelling/lumpDCL:claw”dome-like” (two hands for knee, foot, and ankle)
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Session 1: Results of Injuries and Mishaps Describing Injuries InjuryClassifier Broken bonesBREAK, (2h)LCL:1 or 2”bones snap” BurnFs-BURN then rub the area of burn Small punctureLCL:1(tip of finger)”small puncture” Larger punctureLCL:B(tips of fingers)”larger puncture” Cut off/amputateLCL:B”chop off”
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Fs-FOOT [BPCL:B”foot”/LCL:B”piece of glass embedded in sole of foot”]
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps mm th _______ _________ ME WALK OVERLOOK fs-NAIL[(wh)LCL:B”floor”/LCL:1”nail protruding from floor”.]
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps surprised ____________________________________ [(wh)LCL:1”nail”/BPCL”foot steps on nail”.]
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps [(wh)BPCL:B”foot”/ICL”pull out nail,”ECL:4”bleeding from foot”]
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I was drinking a drinking glass with a chip on it Student: I cut my finger on the glass and it started bleeding. I put my finger in my mouth.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I was walking through some thorny bushes. Student: I got scratches on my arms, face and body. I pulled thorns out of my arms, face and body.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I was hammering a nail. Student: I hit my thumb and tried to shake the pain off. My throbbing finger turned purple.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I walked into a half-open door. Student: I banged my forehead on the edge of the dooor. I felt dizzy and got a lump on forehead.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I stuck my head out of car window. The driver unknowingly closed the electric window. Student: My head got stuck in the window. I got a thin bruise around my neck.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I was whittling a piece of wood. Student: I cut my finger. It felt a loose flap of skin.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I stuffed garbage in a trash can that had broken glass inside. Student: I cut my hand. Blood squirted out.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I walked into a sliding glass door thinking it was open. Student: I smashed my nose. I broke my nose.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I removed a lid off a hot pot. Student: Escaping steam burned my forearm. I developed red blisters on my arm.
Unit 18.3 – Injuries and Mishaps Teacher: I was using a table saw. Student: I amputated a finger. It was sewn back on.