McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 11 Effective Team Management
11-2 Learning Objectives Explain why groups and teams are key contributors to organizational effectiveness Identify the different types of groups and teams that help managers and organizations achieve their goals Explain how different elements of group dynamics influence the functioning and effectiveness of groups and teams
11-3 Learning Objectives Explain why it is important for groups and teams to have a balance of conformity and deviance and a moderate level of cohesiveness Describe how managers can motivate group members to achieve organizational goals and reduce social loafing in groups and teams
11-4 Groups, Teams and Organizational Effectiveness Group: Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs Team: A group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific, common goal or objective Synergy: Performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate their actions
11-5 Figure Groups’ and Teams’ Contributions to Organizational Effectiveness
11-6 Figure 11.2 Types of Groups and Teams in Organizations
11-7 Types of Groups and Teams Formal group Informal group Top-management team Research and development team Command groups Self-managed work team Virtual team Friendship groups Interest groups Task forces
11-8 Group Size and Roles Small groups—between two and nine members Interact more with each other and find it easier to coordinate their efforts More motivated, satisfied, and committed Large groups—with 10 or more members Have more resources at their disposal to achieve group goals than small groups do Let managers obtain the advantages stemming from the division of labor
11-9 Group Roles Group roles: Set of behaviors and tasks that a group member is expected to perform because of his position in the group Role making: Taking the initiative to modify an assigned role by assuming additional responsibilities
11-10 Figure Five Stages of Group Development
11-11 Group Norms Group norms: Shared guidelines or rules for behavior that most group members follow Members conform to norms: To obtain rewards To Imitate respected members Because they feel the behavior is right
11-12 Figure Balancing Conformity and Deviance in Groups
11-13 Figure Sources and Consequences of Group Cohesiveness
11-14 Managing Groups and Teams for High Performance Members should benefit when the group performs well Rewards can be monetary or in other forms such as special recognition Developing a fair pay system that leads to high individual motivation and high group or team performance is a major challenge to managers
11-15 Figure Three Ways to Reduce Social Loafing