ECLAS General Assembly Belgrade 12th October 2007
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade Agenda Items 1.Opening by the President 2.Apologies for Absence 3.Approval for the Agenda 4.Minutes of ECLAS General Assembly Bratislava Report of the Executive Committee ( ) 6.ECLAS Executive Committee Election 7.ECLAS – EFLA Memorandum Agreement 8.LE:NOTRE Issues 9.JoLA 10.ECLAS Conference Handbook and Procedures ECLAS Conferences 11.Other Issues 12.Calender 13.Invitation to the ECLAS Conference 2008 in Alnarp
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 1. Opening by the President 2. Apologies for Absence Eick von Ruschkowski Kinga Szilagyi Maria Goula Francesca Mazzino Aleksander Böhm Alexandre Moisset Kristine Vugule Erich Buhmann 3. Approval for the Agenda
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 4. Minutes of ECLAS General Assembly Bratislava 2006 ECLAS2007\ECLAS GA Minutes from Bratislava 2006.doc
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 5. Report of the Executive Committee ( ) 5.1. General Report 2006 – 2007 and any business of the EC members related to ECLAS ECLAS2007\Eclas GA Report of ExecCom sep2006-August2007.doc
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 5. Report of the Executive Committee ( ) 5.2. Treasurer’s Report 2006
ECLAS GA 2007 Belgrade
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 5. Report of the Executive Committee ( ) 5.2. Report on the Budget Changes in 2007 ECLAS2007\ECLAS_GA_Revised_budget_2007_and_planned_2008 Jeroen.docECLAS2007\ECLAS_GA_Revised_budget_2007_and_planned_2008 Jeroen.doc
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 5. Report of the Executive Committee ( ) 5.3. Scrutineers Report
ECLAS GA 2007 Belgrade Scrutineers for accounts of 2006 appointment
ECLAS GA 2007 Belgrade Scrutineers for accounts of 2006 appointment
ECLAS GA 2007 Belgrade Comments of the scrutineers After scrutinizing the financial report, bank statements and book keeping the financial situation is approved with the following comments: a.Clarify the income from LE:NOTRE which is a large part of the budget and present the related income and costs in a clear way (e.g. JoLA in/out, Student competition in/out) and explain the balance b.Explain that the development of the website is mainly paid from synergy with the LE:NOTRE website and databases c.Make clear that LE:NOTRE will pay an additional Euro 6000 for the start of JoLA in 2007 d.Rectify in the Appendix 3 of the GA: Fees from > Fees from 2006 Secretarial support in NL Euro 116 -> Euro 160
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 5. Report of the Executive Committee ( ) 5.4. Official Approval of the Accounts Discharge of Executive Committee’s Responsibilities 5.6. Financial Sustainability ( membership evaluation, new fee structure after 2008)
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 6. ECLAS Executive Committee Election 6.1. ECLAS Executive Committee & Le:Notre Steering Comittee 6.2. Elections of New Members for the ECLAS Executive Committee Candidates are Bernadette Blanchon - Caillot, Alexandre Moisset, Francesca Mazzino, Erich Buhmann
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 7. ECLAS – EFLA Memorandum Agreement
ECLAS GA 2007 Belgrade EFLA ECLAS memorandum on Education Within this context EFLA and ECLAS have the intention to join forces: common standards for professional and academic recognition of courses strengthening collaboration within Tuning in the context of European General Qualifications Directive and Common Education Platform strengthening collaboration of their committees (attending each others meetings and working groups) joint committee with landscape architect experts (Tuning and accreditation councillors) for advice on learning outcomes, body of knowledge, validation and accreditation of courses collaboratively to pursue the aims and implementation of the European Landscape Convention and working within IFLA, at a world-wide level to promote a Global Landscape Charter by reporting to and acting with their respective bodies on a regular basis
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 8. LE:NOTRE Issues
Spring Workshop 2008 More information LE:NOTRE Hosted by BRUSSELS March 2008 BELGIUM … BRUSSELS Erasmushogeschool Brussel Partner in the University Associaton Brussels Laarbeeklaan Brussels Belgium Brussels International Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie Kubiekeruimte … YOURS TO DISCOVER Supported by
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 9. JoLA
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 10. ECLAS Conference Handbook and Procedure of ECLAS Conferences
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 11. Other Issues Participation in Other Projects and Initiatives (LENNE, ATLAS), Humanities Archipelago & Techno TN Archipelago Reports from Working Groups ECLAS Exhibition ECLAS Regional Credit Points for Attending ECLAS Conference
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 12. Calender Date of General Asssembly in 2008 Next Conferences: Alnarp 2008, Genova 2009, Istanbul 2010, ? 2011 Proposals for next Conferences and joint Conference with CELA in 2011 Poland or UK or ??
ECLAS General Assembly 2007 Belgrade 13. Presentation of ECLAS Conference 2008 which is hosted by The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp