Caro-COOPS website and products
Additional data access and download - Query and download webpage - CSV(Excel) text files - DODS/OPeNDAP interface
Providing data to other groups - NDBC - SEACOOS - IOOS - Public websites
Developing community standards for data and metadata - Better use of XML for software configuration, programmatic sharing and validation of data - Web services – HTTP or SOAP data request/response conventions geared more toward automated handling of XML or binary files - Quality control flagging schemes and implementation - Meta-Door development – enabling participation in metadata/data conventions and standards for purposes of data discovery and access
Meta-Door Development Meta-Door is a second generation metadata entry tool which extends the capabilities of an earlier developed ‘Cast-Net’ tool Meta-Door is a second generation metadata entry tool which extends the capabilities of an earlier developed ‘Cast-Net’ tool Currently provides FGDC compliant metadata records for FGDC Clearinghouse search Currently provides FGDC compliant metadata records for FGDC Clearinghouse search Plan to support metadata collection and sharing as community and service needs develop Plan to support metadata collection and sharing as community and service needs develop Provided as an existing online application and as an open source product which has been developed in Java using a Struts framework Provided as an existing online application and as an open source product which has been developed in Java using a Struts framework
Metadata entry context features - Collapsible forms organized into tabbed sections - Fields color coded by requirement need - Help context link for each field - Listbox selections and calendars - Form presents only subfields needed based on listbox selection
Review/Export entered metadata in multiple formats (HTML, XML, FAQ, …)
Future Directions - Comparison and analysis with other datasets Following example: Storm surge map(provided by CFDL group at NCState) overlayed with Population vulnerability assessment map (provided by Dr. Susan Cutter, et al funded by NSF) for Charleston, SC