1-H Use a calendar to distinguish among days, weeks, and months FIRST GRADE HISTORY
Month by Month, A Year Goes Round TRADE BOOKS Cookie’s Week Calendar Parade Day: Marching through the Calendar Year
TRADE BOOKS CONT.. Alligators and Others All Year Long Chicken Soup with Rice Today Is Monday
SONGS Calendar Song (To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle") When we do the calendar We learn the month the date the year. Every week day has a name There are lots of numbers that look the same. So let's begin to show you how We do the calendar right now. ` Days of the Week Song MdihQbM 12 months in a year huuKtFYU Days of the week-Adams Family bbvoiMA
POETRY # of Days in the Calendar Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; February has twenty eight alone All the rest have thirty-one Except in Leap Year, that's the time When February's Days are twenty-nine
WEBSITES songs.poems.htm Filled with many resources for teaching calendars such as calendar wall, poems and more. (for teachers) Interactive Calendar, allows students to click on each part of the calendar and hear what it means html This website is filled with games and activities to help and give practice to students using calendars.