Design Automation without Borders: From EDA Tools to DA Toolboxes Zhiru Zhang School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cornell University Design Automation (DA) Perspective Challenge 2015
This Proposal ▸ Does NOT attempt to promote a specific replacement of the “E” letter in EDA ▸ But argues to abstract it away 1 Electronic Design Automation Biology Vehicle Cloud
▸ A collection of reusable software artifacts (in the form of libraries or containers) that are easily accessible and customizable to enable collaborative engineering ▸ Similar efforts from other computer engineering areas – LLVM – OpenTuner – OCCAM 2 DA Toolboxes
3 Case Study: LLVM Compiler Infrastructure The LLVM Project is a library of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain components
▸ An open-sourced framework for building multi- objective program auto-tuning tools for different domains 4 Case Study: OpenTuner Genetic Algorithms Multi-armed Bandit Nelder Mead Pseudo Annealing Partial Swarm Optimization source:
▸ Facilitate and proliferate open distribution of research artifacts (esp. important for interdisciplinary research) ▸ Related efforts – Open Curation for Computer Architecture Modeling (OCCAM) A community-supported shared instrument for accountable and repeatable simulation, emulation, and benchmarking – PLDI Artifact Evaluation Evaluation 5 Call to Action