The University of the Highlands and Islands A Tertiary (FE & HE) university delivering for the people, communities and economies of the Highlands and Islands Prof Clive Mulholland Principal & Vice-Chancellor
History: Development of UHI 1992 Project established 1996 Millennium Commission funding 2001 Higher Education Institution (HEI) status (Teaching Funding) 2002 Research Assessment Exercise 2001 (Research Funding) 2004 Parity of funding for teaching 2008 Taught degree awarding powers 2010 Application for University Title 2011 The University of the Highlands & Islands 2012 HRH The Princess Royal appointed as first Chancellor 2014 Post 16 Education (Scotland) Act 2013 – strategic body for FE 2015 Research degree awarding powers – application submitted
The UHI Partnership Fourteen partners (13 +EO) Further + Higher Education colleges Specialist colleges Research institutions Executive office Around 75 outreach learning centres Linked by technology
Growth (UGT/PGT) by AP (fundable) Fundable FTEs 2010/112014/ /16 (forecast) Change (10/11:15/16)% change Argyll College UHI % NAFC Marine Centre UHI % SAMS UHI % HTC UHI % West Highland College UHI % Sabhal Mor Ostaig UHI % Shetland College UHI % Orkney College UHI % Lews Castle College UHI % North Highland College UHI % Moray College UHI % Inverness College UHI % Perth College UHI % TOTAL %
Growth (all HE students) Total FTEs2010/112011/122012/132013/142014/15 Degree Other UGT PGT Total PGDE2040
Growth & FE Student Numbers by AP Total number of full-time enrolments: Target = Argyll Inverness Lews Moray NHC Orkney Perth Shetland WHC TOTALS
Independent Assessment of Research (REF 2014) 69% of the research we submitted to REF 2014 was judged as either 3* (Internationally Excellent) or 4* (Internationally Leading). –For “Earth Systems and Environmental Science”, the figure was 80%! –Rise of 33 places in the UK to finish clearly in the top half of the quality league table. –9 th place in Scotland in terms of research quality –87% of “impact” judged 3* or 4*. The message is clear: not only is our research excellent, it is having a major impact on lives and livelihoods!
REF 2014: “Scottish League Table” UHI ranking and comparison performance RankHEI Cat A FTE4*3*2*1*U/C4*/3*GPAQI 1University of Edinburgh University of St Andrews University of Glasgow Heriot-Watt University University of Strathclyde University of Dundee University of Aberdeen University of Stirling University of the Highlands and Islands Glasgow Caledonian University Queen Margaret University Edinburgh Edinburgh Napier University University of the West of Scotland Robert Gordon University University of Abertay Dundee
Research Intensity League Table published by the Times Higher Education Supplement These metrics favour small, specialist institutions and placed us top in Scotland and 10 th in the UK, not bad for a 5 year old University!
Priorities Investment meets needs of employers Planning for needs of future economy Region for young people Attracting people of working age Engaging employees in the skills system
Our Future Plans Health, Energy, Digital Innovation (opportunities for new models) Internationalisation Magnet City Regions
The UHI Regional School of Healthcare and Life Sciences Workforce Planning New Roles (health/social care) Attract students and professionals in Innovation- Technology to support remote and rural care
Current curriculum Health, Social care, Applied Life Sciences Workforce development demands – NHS and commercial Current research capacity The new Regional School of Healthcare and Applied Life Sciences, including Nurse Education Nurse Education Employer Innovation and RD&D Employer Innovation and RD&D UHI route to effective employer support UHI has a range of health and applied life studies curriculum and research, making a significant contribution to the regional economy through workforce development and innovation. This contribution will grow as UHI creates new activities.
Current curriculum Health, Social care Applied Life Sciences Workforce development demands – NHS and commercial Current research capacity With newly secured ESIF and research investments Nurse education New research capacity New Funding Secured ESIF – new curriculum ESIF – employer engagement ESIF – PGR programme Higher Education Collaboration Employer Innovation and RD&D Building on this, new investments have been secured in applied research capacity, PGR research, new teaching capacity, new curriculum and employer engagement. This will increase the routes for impact in workforce development and innovation.
Current curriculum Health, Social care Applied Life Sciences Workforce development demands – NHS and commercial Employer Innovation and RD&D Current research capacity Creating the Regional Remote and Rural Healthcare Centre of Excellence Nurse Education New researc h capacit y New Funding Secured ESIF – new curriculum ESIF – employer engagement ESIF – PGR programme Higher Education Collaboration Medical/Clinical, AHP education NHSH MoU Employer Innovation and RD&D This final phases of development will create regional impact by spreading benefit across the whole Highlands and Islands as a driver of economic growth through commercialisation, innovation and workforce development. This will support strong local centres of excellence across the region’s natural laboratory
The Regional Remote and Rural Healthcare Centre of Excellence Healthcare research and education key locations Regional Nodes -Community based delivery of education -Community based delivery of health & social care
Regional nodes and possible specialist themes Moray College and NHS Grampian West Highland College and NHS Highland Nursing, AHP education Socio-economic health studies and Community Health research Telehealth Digital and remote healthcare Sport Medicine PGT medical Lews Castle College and NHS Western Isles Digital healthcare Health Apps Telehealth
The Green House Business Incubator Raigmore Hospital Inverness College UHI Centre for Health Science-1 LifeScan Scotland Enterprise & Research Centre Advance Life Science Unit Student residences “Centre for Health sciences” Phase 2 A regional node – Inverness Campus
Potential partners in a proposed new development – “Centre for Health Science - Phase 2 ” NHS Acute Care Centre Elective Surgery Orthopaedics Ophthalmology 32 Bed Unit 3 Operating Theatres Inpatients Outpatients NHS Primary Care Centre 2 GP Practices (Cairn MP and Culloden MP) Student Health Sport Science PG Medical Education Common Areas Reception Café Meeting Rooms Toilets UHI School of Health HQ Graduate Medical School Med-tech and app product development facility Digital Health incubator Further healthcare training Clinical and ALS research HIE Commercial Space Flexible units Technology showroom Rapid prototyping HIE/UHI Collaborative Space Post Graduate Research Centre UHI SRUC Strathclyde, USTIR, UoA, RGU, GSA Business Incubation/Pathfinder Growth Clinical engagement UHI Partnership Hub in health and ALS Inverness College Growth Enterprise UHI APs
The Challenges: 1 External Environment Financial pressures, new economy, changing roles The need to be flexible and respond rapidly Responding to government priorities on innovation Competition from other providers 5 larger colleges now public bodies so cannot hold reserves Inefficiencies in the organisation The challenge of geography 75+ learning centres Duplication across the organisation Tackling inefficiencies via shared services – the problems
The Challenges: 2 Complex government structure Partnership governed by 14 separate boards, totalling approximately 200 people Generates over 400 committee meetings and approximately 5,000 committee papers per annum Management by consensus Current governance structure meant to be a transition phase Local v’s Regional strategy
Collaborative support for the delivery of the University Vision Alignment of stakeholders: HIE, SDS, SG, Health Boards, Local authorities, SFC, Employers, Community Planning Partnerships The University as a facilitator/driver for change (will require greater cross- agency working Willingness to make difficult decisions for the benefit of the region Supporting the evolution and governance changes required to deliver the vision (decline, suboptimal or further growth) Recognising that with smart investment (such as the regional health school, SFC and HIE support), we can have a dramatic impact on the economy, the culture and the perception of the Highlands and Islands
Supporting Further and Higher Education in The Highlands & Islands Scottish Funding Council
SFC Strategic Plan Our ambition is that Scotland will be the best place in the world to learn, to educate, to research, and to innovate… ……..with colleges and universities making a major contribution to Scotland’s social, cultural and economic development.
Learning and teachingResearch and innovation SFC allocates about £1.6bn in public funds to Scotland’s 19 universities and 25 colleges each year for: Student support funds (for college students) Skills development Widening access to further and higher education Other costs such as staff, buildings and equipment
Main teaching grant Research, knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer Capital Student support Strategic Projects £81,610,621 SFC Annual Investment - UHI