Презентация по теме «Моя будущая профессия» для урока в 11 классе. Чернова Е. С. МКОУ «Троицкая СОШ № 62»
The best fish swim near the bottom. He works best who knows his trade. Every man to his trade.
Let’s revise some popular professions. Guess what it is? Look at the screen! Can you name the job which involves a lot of travelling? requires that you wear a uniform? is risky? starts early in the morning? asks for a lot of responsibility? requires shift work? requires highly-qualified personnel?
Look at the screen and choose whom you would contact if:
Distribute the following professions lawyer, dentist, hairdresser, mechanic, architect, farmer, vet, librarian, police officer, refuse collector, accountant, engineer, scientist, firefighter, tailor, dressmaker, cleaner, electrician, plumber, carpenter, builder, designer - into three columns: ProfessionsTradesUnskilled jobs
Let’s make “a passport” of your future profession!
What school subjects will you need for your future profession?
What skills and qualities should you have to be a good specialist? To my mind, a good ……… should be…
Some job characteristics. Match them with their definitions!
What’s important for me in my future profession?
The PASSPORT of my profession : 1)My life-time dream job is… 2)To get the job I have to study … 3)To my mind, a good ……… should be… 4)My future profession is …., but … at the same time. Nevertheless I’m ready to deal with it. 5)There are some points (items) which influenced my choice. They are… I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO MY FUTURE!
The end! Thanks for work!!!