Five Important People I Met in Heaven By Taylor Bonham
This story will be about remembering the ones you loved that are now gone in your life and how they influenced you while they were still with you.
The setting is in Roswell, Georgia The setting is in Roswell, Georgia. I was sitting in my room reading the book The Five People You Meet in Heaven. As I was finishing the book, I started to think who I would meet in heaven some day.
Sitting in my room thinking.
When I finished I closed my eyes thinking who I would meet When I finished I closed my eyes thinking who I would meet. I fell asleep and started dreaming. My dreams seemed to be coming true to me. I saw my grandpa Miller in my dreams. He was working in his garden he always had in his back yard.
My grandpa lived in a small town called Washington, Indiana.
My grandpa loved to work in his garden.
I walked over to him and asked him where I was, he said, “You have come to heaven to see me”. I told him I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. He told me that you can do anything you want to do in your life. It doesn’t matter what the job is you choose, or where you live as long as your happy, and you can support yourself and your family. Don’t let anyone stop you from what you want to in your life. Just be happy.
The dream moved on and next I saw my grandma Miller sitting on her front porch where she loved to sit and break green beans from her garden.
Grandma was always working on something, but she always took time for herself to relax. She looked up at me and said, “No matter what you are doing in your life, always make time for yourself. Don’t let your work take up your whole life. Take time for your family and friends”. She was always like that, no matter what she was doing, she would stop and take time for me while I was visiting her.
Next I moved on to Indianapolis, Indiana.
There I saw my grandmother Bonham in her living room.
Grandmother Bonham loved to travel Grandmother Bonham loved to travel. She always loved to see new places to explore. She told me, “Make sure you travel in your life. Go explore different places, don’t let life pass you by, experience new things that you have never seen before”. Then I was moving on to a different area.
Next I was in a church.
I saw my grandfather Bonham, who is a minister, standing at the altar.
He told me to not be afraid, that I was in a safe and peaceful place He told me to not be afraid, that I was in a safe and peaceful place. He said, “Always remember your spiritual upbringing and everything will be alright. To remember that God will always look after you”. My grandfather was always a good person to everyone.
Next I saw my uncle John, he was a free spirit kind of a guy.
My uncle always liked to go fishing. He said it relaxed him My uncle always liked to go fishing. He said it relaxed him. He told me, “When you feel stressed, just go fishing and you will feel relaxed.” This was his way of saying, don’t let yourself get stressed out enough to effect your life.
After I met my uncle, I woke up feeling kind of strange After I met my uncle, I woke up feeling kind of strange. The dream seemed so real.
The dream made me realize what affect these 5 people had in the short time they were in my life. They showed me how to deal with things in my life I never thought would be important. They taught me to do what I wanted to in life as long as it supported me, to take time for myself, to travel and see the world, to destress when things are hard to deal with in my life. They taught me love, strength, courage, and responsibilities.
Ten archetypes expressed in the story Ten archetypes expressed in the story. Journey Religion Love Free spirit Regions Courage Strength Responsibilities Happiness To live life to the fullest