Sing for joy to God our Saviour, shout aloud to Jacob’s Lord! Start the music, strike the timbrel; play on strings a pleasing chord. Sound the trumpet.


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I waited long upon the L ORD ; he heard my cry and turned to me. He raised me from the slimy pit, and from the mire he pulled me free. He set my feet on.
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O Lord, you are the Righteous One; the statutes that you give are just

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Promises Concerning Obedience Psalms 81: /27/2018
When Zion’s fortunes God restored, it was a dream come true
Your statutes, Lord, are wonderful, so I obey them from my heart
My soul is laid low in the dust; give life according to your word
Do good to me and I will live; your servant will obey your word
The double-minded I abhor, but your commands I love, O Lord
O Lord, I call to you. Come quickly. I’m in need
Shout to the Lord with joy, all who to earth belong
I am trusting you, Lord Jesus, you have died for me; trusting you for full salvation, great and free. [Sing to the Lord 467]
Eternal is your word, O Lord; in heav’n it stands forever sure
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I love the Lord because he heard my voice; he listened when I cried to him for aid. I’ll call on him as long as I shall live, because he turned to hear.
Presentation transcript:

Sing for joy to God our Saviour, shout aloud to Jacob’s Lord! Start the music, strike the timbrel; play on strings a pleasing chord. Sound the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon sound again, at the feast which God appointed and for Isr’el did ordain. [Sing to the Lord 81]

2. God ordained this law for Joseph when he ravaged Egypt’s land; there we listened to a language which we did not understand. He said: “I removed their burdens and their aching hands set free. I delivered you from trouble when you called for help to me.

3. “From the thundercloud of Sinai all your people I addressed; when at Meribah you murmured, there I put you to the test. Hear, my people, let me warn you – if you would but listen now! No strange god shall be among you; to a false god do not bow.

4. “I, who brought you up from Egypt, your own God, the L ORD, am I; open wide your mouth toward me, and your food I will supply. But my people would not listen – would not do what I required. So I gave them up to follow what their stubborn hearts desired.

5. “If my people would but heed me, Isr’el follow my command, I would soon subdue their en’mies, and against them turn my hand. Those who hate the L ORD would cower, and their doom would never end. But with finest wheat I’d feed you, honey from the rock I’d send.” Sing to the Lord 81 Used with permission Text: Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003, alt. Tune: John H. Willcox, 1849; desc. © Sing to the Lord, 2008, rev.