Chromosomes CCCChromosomes are strands of DNA bound to proteins EEEEach cell has two sets of chromosomes, one from the mother and one from the father.
One Chromosome Identical copies Centromere (joining point) (The real thing) Coiled DNA
Homologous pairs The members of a pair are referred to as homologous chromosomes. Each pair: is the same size, has the joining point in the same place, has the same gene loci in the same sequence
A homologous pair Human chromosome 9 Chromosome from mother Chromosome from father Deafness/hearing gene
Chromosome numbers In humans there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. One member of each pair comes from the mother, and one from the father. Other species have different numbers.
Genome & karyotype GGGGenome — this is the total of an individual’s genetic material. AAAA karyotype is a full complement of chromosomes. It is usually shown as a drawing or photograph of stained chromosomes arranged in homologous pairs, from the biggest to the smallest.
E.g. Karyotype of a pig
Chromosomes of a human female
Chromosomes of a human male
DNA Structure DDDDNA molecules are polymers of nucleotides. = chains of nucleotide units NNNNucleotides have 3 parts The 5 Carbon (pentose) sugar A phosphate group A base Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine or Guanine A simple model
AAAA DNA molecule consists of two chains of nucleotides twisted around each other to form a double helix. AAAAlternating sugars and phosphates form the sides of the DNA “ladder” TTTThe rungs are formed by the bases in complementary pairs. A – T and C – G
Here is the ladder Let’s give it a twist to make the double helix And this is a space- filling model of DNA
Packaging of DNA