Systems-level Alignment Issues Challenges and Strategies to Recruiting, Preparing and Retaining HQ Special Education Personnel presented by The contents of this power point were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
2 State P-12 Student Standards State Teacher Licensure Standards Pre-Service Preparation State Licensure Professional Development For Re-Licensure State Program Approval Standards © INTASC/CCSSO State Licensure Assessment State Prof. Dev. Requirements State Teacher Quality System
3 Systems-level Issues Related to Licensure and Prep Program Alignment Teacher licensure policy Teacher licensure policy Requires special educators have a content degree or pass a content test Requires special educators have a content degree or pass a content test Requires general ed license before special ed license Requires general ed license before special ed license Requires licensure in both general and special education be aligned with scientifically-based research Requires licensure in both general and special education be aligned with scientifically-based research Program approval policy Program approval policy Requires more collaboration between general and special education during prep process (dual, merged, integrated programs) Requires more collaboration between general and special education during prep process (dual, merged, integrated programs) Requires program approval standards be aligned with scientifically-based research Requires program approval standards be aligned with scientifically-based research Licensure renewal policy Licensure renewal policy Requires all teachers have more collaborative/co-teaching skills around serving students with disabilities in general education classroom Requires all teachers have more collaborative/co-teaching skills around serving students with disabilities in general education classroom Requires professional development and licensure renewal coursework be aligned with scientifically-based research Requires professional development and licensure renewal coursework be aligned with scientifically-based research
4 Four Challenges to Special Education Personnel Development Data systems management Data systems management for personnel that meet the HQT challenge and informs policy and practice at the state, higher education and local district/community level. Capacity of higher ed preparation programs to align with restructured state licensure system Capacity of higher ed preparation programs to align with restructured state licensure system in relation to HQ requirements in NCLB and IDEA, Increased need for supply Increased need for supply that responds to demand of local schools and communities. Building-level staffing patterns and supports Building-level staffing patterns and supports that work to appropriately train and retain personnel for increased options in service delivery, including those utilized in inclusive environments.
5 System-level Issues Related to Personnel Data Vision for data systems alignment and its impact on policy and practice. Vision for data systems alignment and its impact on policy and practice. Capacity to collect data and build necessary infrastructure to support systems-level analysis. Capacity to collect data and build necessary infrastructure to support systems-level analysis. Documentation of academic content competency for individual personnel to determine HQT requirement. Documentation of academic content competency for individual personnel to determine HQT requirement. Time, resources and personnel for implementation and ongoing management. Time, resources and personnel for implementation and ongoing management.
6 System-level Issues Related to Alignment of Preparation Programs and State Licensure Restructuring Collaborative planning for new preparation program development among state, higher ed and local districts to deliver Highly Qualified personnel for local classrooms. Collaborative planning for new preparation program development among state, higher ed and local districts to deliver Highly Qualified personnel for local classrooms. Movement away from K-12 special ed licensure. Movement away from K-12 special ed licensure. Inclusion of core academic subject areas in licensure and program approval standards. Inclusion of core academic subject areas in licensure and program approval standards. Practicum experiences in collaborative teaching environments. Practicum experiences in collaborative teaching environments. Higher ed and LEA partnerships that help define what novice teachers need to know and be able to do. Higher ed and LEA partnerships that help define what novice teachers need to know and be able to do. Coursework that reflects critical pedagogy for initial practice. Coursework that reflects critical pedagogy for initial practice. Coursework that reflects research based principles and strategies for instruction Coursework that reflects research based principles and strategies for instruction
7 System-level Issues Related to Alignment of Preparation Programs and State/Local District Needs Articulation agreements Between 2 and 4 year programs Course scheduling Night and weekend undergraduate offerings Distance learning opportunities Shared coursework among IHEs Earlier and more meaningful field experiences Earlier and more meaningful field experiences Focus on retention through ongoing professional development Focus on retention through ongoing professional development
8 Systems-level Issues Related to Supply (Recruitment) Use of data systems alignment to inform strategic development of IHE/LEA partnership prep Use of data systems alignment to inform strategic development of IHE/LEA partnership prep State capacity to leverage change in IHE prep program offerings to respond to regional S & D issues State capacity to leverage change in IHE prep program offerings to respond to regional S & D issues Aligning of state licensure requirements to LEA need for content/field experiences that mirror classroom practice. Aligning of state licensure requirements to LEA need for content/field experiences that mirror classroom practice.
9 Systems-level Issues Related to Demand (Retention) State licensure requirements to leverage change in practice: State licensure requirements to leverage change in practice: administrator prep programs administrator prep programs collaborative roles for gen and special ed teachers collaborative roles for gen and special ed teachers Higher ed role in meeting needs of in-service training for administrators and teachers Higher ed role in meeting needs of in-service training for administrators and teachers State capacity to support high-quality building level supports (mentoring and induction, etc) State capacity to support high-quality building level supports (mentoring and induction, etc) Changes in program approval standards that respond to HQT requirements Changes in program approval standards that respond to HQT requirements
Five Principles Relevant to All Four Challenges
11 Principle # 1 Data systems management is the first step in addressing your state’s Teacher Quality needs.
12 The ongoing development of HQ special educators will require not only significant changes to teacher licensure, based on NCLB's required scientifically-based research, but more importantly the alignment of teacher preparation programs to both licensure and practice. Principle # 2
13 Personnel preparation programs must become involved in and responsive to community-based issues of recruitment, preparation and retention. Principle # 3
14 State, district and preparation program partnerships are essential to meeting the Highly Qualified teacher challenge. Principle # 4
15 Principle # 5 All special education teacher quality and quantity initiatives must be integrated into larger state DOE focus areas.
16 Additional Issues/Strategies In Your State?
17 Contact Us Phoebe Gillespie, Ph.D. Director, National Center for Special Education Personnel and Related Service Providers (Personnel NASDSE ext Kathleen Paliokas Director, Center for Improving Teacher Quality CCSSO Amy Jackson Deputy Director, National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality Learning Point Associates