Page No. 1 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011) POIWG – July 2014 Increment 43/44 Overview
Page No. 2 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Increment 43 & 44 Team Members Increment Overview USOS Crew Time Allocations IDRD and PTP Milestones Increment 43 & 44 Investigations Utilization Upmass/Downmass Summary JEM Airlock Summary Utilization Crew Time Summary Challenges, Issues, Concerns Summary Backup Information Agenda
Page No. 3 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Increment 43 & 44 Team OC3 Team Increment Manager: Todd Hellner Increment Deputy Manager:Lisa Leech Increment Engineer: Julie Dunning Increment Payload Engineer:David Bach IDRD Book Manager:Nancy Monsees PTP Book Manager:Felisha Drake-Hill OZ Team Lead Increment Scientist (LIS): Jorge Sotomayor LIS Rep:Cindy Romero
Page No. 4 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Increment 43 & 44 Team POIC Team (as yet assigned) Payload Operations Manager (POM):Becky Grimaldi Lead Planner:Kirk Teitge Space X/Orbital Lead POD:Cindy Grant HTV/ATV Lead POD:Jimmy Whitaker MOD Flight Directors Increment 43 Lead Flight:Ron Spencer Increment 44 Lead Flight:Scott Stover
Page No. 5 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Increment 43 & 44 Team NASA Visiting Vehicle / Cargo POCs Hugh Jamison –SpX7, SpX8 Floyd Booker – Orb4 Katie Rodgers – Orb5 Mike Hoy – HTV5 Mike Hoy – Progress, Soyuz Boeing FPMs USOS Vehicles Orb4 – Della Wylin SpX7 – Della Wylin SpX8 – Sheik Alli Orb5 – Sheik Alli HTV5 – Della Wylin RS Vehicles 42S – Jay Lee 59P – Jay Lee 41S – Jay Lee 43S – Jay Lee 60P – Jay Lee 44S – Jay Lee
Orb-5 E42 FE6/E43 CDR – Virts (Inc 43 – 61 days) E42/E43 FE5 – Cristoforetti (Inc 43 – 61 days) E42/E43 FE4 – Shkaplerov (Inc days) 3/12 40S Undock E44/E45 FE4 – Kononenko (Inc 44 – 141 days) E44/E45 FE5 – Yui (Inc 44 – 141 days) E44/E46 FE6 – Lindgren (Inc 44 – 141 days) 3/29 42S Dock 10/14 42S Undock Mar-2015Apr-2015May-2015Jun-2015Jul-2015Aug-2015Sep-2015Oct /26 43S Dock 5/12 41S Undock Pre-decisional, Internal Use Only E43 FE1 / E44 CDR – G. Padalka (Inc 43 – 44 days, Inc 44 – 145 days) E43/E44 FE2 – Kornienko (Inc 43 – 44 days, Inc 44 – 145 days) total 350 days E43/E44 FE3 – S. Kelly (Inc 43 – 44 days, Inc 44 – 145 days) total 350 days Inc 42 Inc 45 Increment 44 Increment 43 IM – Todd Hellner (x31394) IDM – Lisa Leech (x41101) IE – Julie Dunning (x34360) IPE – David Bach (x46748) 4 3S 26-May 59P 30-Apr 28-Jul MRM1 SM Aft N2 Zenith DC1 60P 01-Jul TBR MRM2 41S 12-May 42S 01-Oct 29-Mar 57P 28-Apr 58P 22-Aug 08-Feb Stage 44-6 (131 Days) N2 Nadir Stage 42-6 Stage 43-3 (17 Days ) Stage 44-3 (14 Days) Stage 43-6 (44 Days) SpX-7 15-Jun Berth Stage 45-6 Orb-4 04-Apr Berth 04-May Unberth 15-Jul Unberth Stage 44-9 (10 days) E42 CDR – Wilmore E42 FE1 – Serova E42 FE2 – Samokutyayev Updated July All dates GMT IDRD Baseline MIPD CR (in-work) 12 Mar Undock 40S 30-Jul USOS # Soyuz Crew 41 Soyuz Crew 43 Soyuz Crew Shkaplerov Cristoforetti Virts 42 Soyuz Crew Padalka Kornienko Kelly Lindgren Yui Kononenko 44 Soyuz Crew Brightman Mogensen Volkov 44S 03-Feb 14-Oct 04-Oct 10/04 44S Dock E45 – Volkov (Inc 45 – XX days) ESA VC - Mogensen SFP - Brightman USOS #44-1 & 44-2 USOS #43-2 SpX-8 28-Sep Berth 6-Nov Unberth 14-Sep Unberth 15-Aug Berth Stage 43-3Stage 43-6Stage 44-3Stage 44-6Stage 44-9 Utilization Planning to 35 hrs/wk average plus 100 hr Challenge 25 New Experiments 1-Year Mission Experimentation Twin Studies Fluid Shift JEM A/L Use: NRCSD, NREP Exchange Planning to 35 hrs/wk average plus 100 hr Challenge 45 New Experiments BEAM Installation JEM A/L Use: NRCSD, NREP Exchange, J-SSOD, Tanpopo Rodent Research-3 Planning to 35 hrs/wk average plus 100 hr Challenge ESA Visiting Crewmember Science complement [TBD] EVA, Robotics, Systems, Software Begin 1 Year Mission C2V2 Mod Kit Installation EVA #43-2: C2V2 antenna installation USOS EVA #43-1: IDA1 install USOS EVA #44-1: Disconnect PMA3 PMA3 relocate from N3P to N2Z (SSRMS) USOS EVA #44.2: Reconnect PMA3
Page No. 7 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Increment 43/44 Highlights Increment 43/44 timeframe Increment 43 starts on 12 March 2015 (40S Undock) Increment 44 ends on 14 October 2015 (42S Undock) Stage Durations: 43-3 – 17 days 43-6 – 44 days Increment is longer than standard 6-month pair due to Soyuz lit landing constraints and direct handover Crew members during this Increment pair: 41S crew (Increment 43) – Virts (Inc 43 CDR), Cristoforetti, Shkaplerov 42S crew (Increment 43/44) – Kelly*, Kornienko*, Padalka (Inc 44 CDR) 43S crew (Increment 44) – Kononenko, Yui, Lindgren 44S crew (Increment 45/ESA Visiting Crew/SFP) – Volkov, Mogensen, Brightman Visiting Vehicle Traffic (per approved SSCNs 14071, and 14211) Orb-4 Ascent and Descent SpX-7 Ascent and Descent SpX-8 Ascent and Descent Orb-5 Ascent Soyuz Relocation (MRM2 to SM Aft) October 1 in support of 3 Soyuz vehicles at once 4 Progress Flights (No USOS allocations) 57P descent; 59P ascent/descent; 58P descent; 60P ascent Expected Flight Plan Changes: HTV5 expected to move into August/September 2015 timeframe Current EVA Plan 4 USOS EVAs scheduled for the increment – C2V2 Mod Kit, IDA-1 during SpX7, PMA-3 disconnect/reconnect 44-3 – 14 days 44-6 – 131 days 44-9 – 10 days (additional stage for direct handover)
Page No. 8 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Increment 43/44 Crew Time Balance Based on ISS Flight Program CR (as approved at July 15, 2014 SSPCB), Increment 43/44 will be hrs (not including the 100 hour challenge to USOS utilization allocation requested by the ISS Program Manager) The Increment Team is currently looking at two options to balance crew time Both Option 1 and 2 move the following tasks “below the line” (total hrs) EVA 43-2 (C2V2): 118 hrs C2V2 IVA Mod Kit Installation: 25 hrs Orb-4 prepack and unpack: 68 hrs SpX-7 unpack: 27 hrs SpX-8 unpack: 27 hrs Orb-5 prepack and unload: 54.5 hrs PMA2 IMV Outfitting: 17 hrs IDA2 Mod Kit Install: 27 hrs Option 1 (Increment crew time balanced) PMM relocation (162 hrs) will be moved “below the line” This option will allow an additional 100 hrs to be allocated to USOS Utilization per ISS program office challenge. Option 2 (Increment crew time still -12 hrs) PMM relocation (162 hrs) will remain in Increment 44. Orb-5 capture, including OBT, (50 hrs) will be moved below the line Additional 100 hrs for USOS utilization will remain below the line
Page No. 9 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Non-Integrated USOS Crew Time Allocations [Hours] (per 43/44 IDRD Baseline + SSCN 14211) Note: This table shows the “Option 1” crew time allocations as discussed on Slide 8. [1] See Appendix G, CSCT, for more detail on CSCT performed by the USOS crewmembers. [2] Utilization Allocation is 35 hours per week +100hr challenge for primary Utilization. [3] Critical + primary + additional maintenance = no more than 295 hours per the GGR&C allocation. [4] USOS/RS CSCT owed to USOS/RS to be resolved during OOS TIM or real time. Crew Time CategoryStage 43-3Stage 43-6Stage 44-3Stage 44-6Stage 44-9Total Total USOS Capability Non-Integrated Operations (USOS) [1] Utilization Primary [2] Additional Vehicle Traffic Operations Additional Medical Operations (EHS) Additional OBT (Vehicle Traffic-Specific) Additional Routine Operations (Non-Integ.) Additional Maintenance [3] Additional Resupply and Outfitting Additional EVA Additional Unresolved CSCT imbalance [4] 0.31 Total USOS Margin [Total USOS Capability-Non-Integrated Ops+Unresolved CSCT Imbalance] Requirements not accommodated in capability/Requirements above allocations
Page No. 10 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ IDRD Baseline (CR14235) Comments Due:7/25/14 TCM:08/04/14 MIOCB for IDRD approval:09/04/14 IDRD Revision A (Tentative) Call for Inputs:10/07/14 Inputs Due:10/21/14 Release:11/07/14 IDRD TIM (TD):11/12-21/13 (In Houston) IOR (TD):11/18/14 Prel. OOS TIM*: 11/3-21/14 Evals Due:12/09/14 TCM:12/16/14 MIOCB for IDRD approval:01/29/15 Final OOS TIM:Feb 2015 (TBD) SORR (TD):02/12/15 Start of Inc 43:03/12/15 *OOS Dates are still being discussed. Prelim TIM is scheduled for Germany, Final TIM in Houston. Final OOS TIM dates to be finalized at Prelim OOS TIM. Additionally, IOR dates will be deconflicted from OOS TIM date. PTP Revision A (SORR) CEF Freeze Point:9/26/2014 FINAL PTP from Freeze point Due:10/01/2014 Release:10/15/2014 Evals Due:11/05/14 TCM:11/13/14 Doc. In DQA:(3 wks) MIOCB:01/29/15 * CEF submittals and review cycles nominally continue but accepted into PTP after Rev A final release Deviations to these dates will be discussed / approved with Increment community via the 43/44 IMT. Inc 43/44 IDRD & PTP Status and Milestones
Human Research Increments 43 & 44 Research Plan - Investigation List Biology and Biotechnology Physical Sciences Fluid Physics BCAT-KP-1, 2 ↓, BCAT-KP-3, ZBOT 2, Marangoni UVP 2 Characterizing Experiment Hardware Cyclops Small Payload 4, POP 3D (ASI) 1, MVIS Controller-1 Air, Water, & Surface Monitoring Multi-Gas Monitor Avionics & Software SNFM Communications & Navigation OPALS (E), SCAN Testbed (E), Vessel ID System Robotics & Imaging 3DA1 Camcorder, HDEV (E), Robonaut, RRM-Phase 2 (E), Haptics-1 Radiation Measurements & Shielding HiMassSEE, REM, Radi-N2, DOSIS-3D, Area PADLES-14, -15, PS-TEPC Technology Development and Demonstration Small Satellites & Control Technologies NRCSD CubeSats 1, 2, 4, SPHERES Halo, JSSOD CubeSat 4 Food & Clothing Systems ISSpresso (ASI) 1 Life Support Systems & Habitation UPA (PCPA/FCPA )1, UBNT Space Structures BEAM 3 Educational Activities Educational Demos Sally Ride EarthKAM, Story Time from Space-2 ↓, Story Time from Space-3 1, Tomatosphere IV 2 Educational Competitions CASIS STEM-1 4, NanoRacks Ardulabs 2, 4, NanoRacks Module-9 2, 3, SPHERES-Zero Robotics Pre-decisional, For Internal Use Only Earth & Space Science Astrobiology/Astrophysics/Heliophysics AMS-02 (E), CREAM (E), Meteor, EXPOSE-R2 (E), Solar-SOLACES/SOLSPEC (E), CALET (E), ExHAM/Tanpopo (E) 2, MAXI (E), MCE (E), Earth Remote Sensing CASIS Remote Sensing 4, CATS (E), CEO, HICO- RAIDS (HREP) (E), ISERV, ISS Deployed Cubesats, ISS-RapidScat (E), NREP Inserts (E) 1, 4 Near-Earth Space Environment SEDA-AP (E) Cindy Romero (OP) 7/16/14 Student-Developed Investigations CASIS Edu-2 2 Classrooms Versions of ISS Investigations Windows on Earth Fire Suppression & Detection Saffire-1 4 To Be Defined CASIS Commercial R&D 4, CASIS Dev 4*↓ 1, Dev 5*↓ 1, Dev 6 2, Dev 7 3, Dev 8 2, Exomed-3 2, MAHM ↑ 2, NanoRacks Modules 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 2, 3, UBC 1 Other EPO CRISTOFORETTI, JAXA EPO ESAJAXANASACSA Key: RUSSIA Microgravity Environment in ISS WetLab-2 2 (P) Pre/Post only, (E) External Payload, * CEF approval pending, ↑/↓ Launch/Return only 1) Orb-4, 2) SpX-7, 3) SpX-8, 4) Orb-5 Plant Biology Veg-03 2, Aniso Tubule, Plant Rotation Animal Biology Micro-10 3, Rodent Research-2 ↓, Rodent Research-3 3, Tissue Regeneration-Evaluation of Inductive Agents 2, Embryo Rad, Mice Habitat Unit 3, Space Aging ↓, Space Pup Macromolecular Crystal Growth CASIS PCG-4 3, NanoRacks PCG 2, 3, PCG Crystal Hotel 4, JAXA PCG-9 & -10 Microbiology / Cellular AES-2 4, CASIS Stem Cell-2 3, Commercial Stem Cell Validation 2, CYTOSPACE (ASI) 2, MO-1 2, 3, NATO (ASI )2, NIH-Osteo 1, VIABLE (ASI) CYTOSKELETON 3, ENDOTHELIAL, SPHEROIDS 3, Stem Cell Differentiation, Microbe-IV 2, Myco, OSTEOPONTIN 2, Stem Cells Complex Fluids ACE-H1↓, ACE-H2↓, ACE-H3, ACE-T1 3, ACE-T5 ↑ 3, DECLIC ALI-R ↑ 3, OASIS 1, BCAT-C1, PK-4, Kikuchi-Kossel 3 Materials Science DECLIC DSI-R, EML Batch 1, ELF c/o 4, Interfacial Energy ↑ 4 Combustion Science FLEX-2, FLEX-2J, Group Combustion 1 Bone & Muscle Physiology Bisphosphonates (Control), Bone/Muscle Check (ASI), IVD (P), Force Shoes, Hip QCT (P), Sprint, Tbone, ARED Kinematics,* Brain-DTI (P), CARTILAGE (P), EDOS-2, IMMUNO-2, MUSCLE BIOPSY (P) Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems Cardio Ox, Drain Brain (ASI), ICV (P)*, Orthostatic Tolerance (ASI), Wearable Monitoring ↓ (ASI), BP Reg, Airway Monitoring,* IPVI Nervous & Vestibular Systems Manual Control (P), NeuroMapping, GRIP, Straight Ahead in Microgravity (P), Space Headaches, V-C Reflex (P) Crew Healthcare Systems Medical Consumables Tracking 1, Skin-B Habitability & Human Factors Astro Palate, Body Measures, Fine Motor Skills, Habitability, Training Retention Human Behavior & Performance Cognition, Journals, Reaction Self Test, Sleep ISS-12, Circadian Rhythms, Synergy (P) Human Microbiome Microbiome Immune System Integrated Immune*, Salivary Markers Integrated Physiology & Nutrition Biochem Profile, Field Test (P), FTT (P), Repository, Telomeres, Twin Studies*, Energy, Biological Rhythms 48hrs Vision Fluid Shifts, Ocular Health Other Content (P), Interactions-2, Pilot-T
Increments 43 & 44 Experiment Locations CALET, SEDA-AP, MAXI, MCE, ExHam/Tanpopo, HREP-HICO/RAIDS, CATS, CREAM, NREP - Principal location for each experiment - Racks and Facilities in bold text Facility Acronyms CIR - Combustion Integrated Rack EDR - European Drawer Rack EMCS - European Modular Cultivation System EPM - European Physiology Module FIR – Fluids Integrated Rack FSL – Fluid Sciences Lab HRF – Human Research Facility MARES – Muscle Atrophy Research and Ex Sys MELFI – Minus Eighty deg. Laboratory Freezer MSG – Microgravity Sciences Glove box MSPR – Multi purpose Small Payload Rack MSRR - Materials Science Research Rack WORF - Window Observation Research Facility MSG OASIS, RR-3 Tissue Regeneration, Z-BOT US Lab - Destiny EXPRESS Rack-1 DTN, CGBA-4 / MAMS, Polar, SAMS-II, MERLIN, Rodent Habitat /RR-3 EXPRESS Rack-2A GLACIER, CGBA-6, Rodent Habitat/RR-3 CIR MDCA/FLEX-2, FLEX-2J MSRR/MSL WORF ISERV, Meteor FIR LMM/ACE-H3, ACE-T1 MELFI-3 3DA1 Camcorder, Airway Monitoring, ARED Kinematics, Body Measures, CASIS Dev—4, -5, 6, -7, CASIS Edu-2, CASIS PCG-4, CASIS STEM-1, CASIS Stem Cell-2, CEO, Exomed-3, Force Shoes, HiMassSEE, ISSpresso, Medical Consumables Tracking, MO-1, Multi-Gas Monitor, Orthostatic Tolerance, POP 3D, Sally Ride EarthKAM, Sprint, RADI-N2, REM, Robonaut, SNFM, UBNT, WOE ELC2 S3Truss AMS-02 ELC4 MUSES, RRM Phase 2 EXPRESS Rack-8 CGBA/Micro-10, Polar, Robonaut Tele-Ops, SABL/AES-2, NIH-Osteo, WetLab-2 EXPRESS Rack-5 RYUTAI JAXA PCG-9, -10, Marangoni UVP EXPRESS Rack-4 DECLIC DSI-R, NR Platform-1/NR Mod -9, NR Platform-2/NR ArduLabs, NR Mod-16, 18, 20, 21, 22, NR Platform-3, PCG Crystal Hotel MELFI-1 Stem Cells, Space Pup, Embryo Rad, EDOS-2, IMMUNO-2 SAIBO Aniso Tubule, OSTEOPONTIN, Plant Rotation, Mice Habitat Unit MSPR-2 Commissioning JEM - KIBO MSPR Group Combustion, Kikuchi-Kossel, AQH Microscope set-up, ELF c/o Kobairo 3DA1 Camcorder, Area PADLES-14, -15, BCAT-KP-3, BCAT-C1, RADI-N2 Biological Rhythms 48hrs, IPVI, EPO, NanoRacks PCG, Microbe IV, Myco, PS-TEPC, REM, SNFM, SPHERES Halo, SPHERES Zero Robotics, UBC EDR EML Batch-1 Kubik / Cytospace, NATO BioLab CYTOSKELETON HRF-1 Ultrasound2, SLAMMD HRF-2 BP Reg, RC, GDS, PFS Energy EXPRESS Rack-3A EMCS VEGGIE / Veg-03 GLACIER EPM BP Reg, Circadian Rhythms, DOSIS-3D, Energy, GRIP, PK-4 MARES Columbus Journals, Microbiome, NeuroMapping, Ocular Health, RADI-N2, Reaction Self Test, REM, Repository, Salivary Markers, Skin-B, Sleep ISS-12, HDEV, RapidScat, Solar, Vessel ID System Space Headaches, SPHEROIDS, Sprint, Stem Cell Differentiation, Telomeres, Training Retention, Twin Studies, Vessel ID System EXPRESS Rack-6 AMS Laptop, GLACIER, MERLIN, MUSES Server EXPRESS Rack-7 Bone Densitometer GLACIER, Polar Russian Segment FSL MVIS Controller-1 CUPOLA REM, Story Time from Space-3 JEM Airlock CASIS Remote Sensing, Cyclops Small Payload, JSSOD CubeSats, NREP Exchange, NRCSD CubeSats/ ISS Deployed CubeSats, Tanpopo 3DA1 Camcorder, Astro Palate, Biochem Profile, Bisphosphonates (Controls), Bone/Muscle Check, Cardio Ox, Circadian Rhythms, Cognition, Drain Brain, Kubik/Endothelial, Energy, EPO CRISTOFORETTI, Fine Motor Skills, Fluid Shifts, Habitability, Haptics-1, Pre-decisional, For Internal Use Only Interactions-2, Fluid Shifts, Pilot-T, FGB/ VIABLE Cindy Romero (OP) 7/16/14 TBD Rack CASIS Commercial R&D, CASIS Dev 8, CGBA-2, Commercial Stem Cell Validation Sortie Saffire-1 (Orb-5), Tomatosphere IV (SpX-7) Node 3 BEAM, Force Shoes, UBNT, UPA Upgrades Joint Airlock Airway Monitoring ELC1 OPALS ELC3 SCAN Testbed MELFI-2
Inc 43 & 44 External Sites MUSES, RRM-P2 SCAN SEDA-AP, CALET, CATS, CREAM, MAXI, MCE, NREP, HREP-HICO RAIDS, ExHAM/Tanpopo HDEV ISS-RapidScat Solar, Vessel ID System Pre-decisional, For Internal Use Only Cindy Romero (OP) 7/16/14 OPALS
Page No. 14 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Inc 43/44 Utilization Upmass Summary Chart is based on Baseline Inc 43/44 PTP and includes flight changes approved at July 15, 2014 SSPCB. Orb-4 data is from Inc 41/42 PTP Working Version 7/16/14. This data will be placed in a CEF Additional capability is expected to be confirmed in September 2014 timeframe. Cargo will move from oversubscribed flights to HTV-5 when that capability is confirmed. Current manifests are under review and CEFs will be submitted to clean up as required. CEF 5321 submitted to add 0.84 kg (ESA DOSIS 3D) to 44S. CEF is in review. HRP currently reviewing prepositioned hardware and flight schedule. IP (Anticipated) Pressurized Upmass (kg) 42SOrb-443SSpX-7SpX-8Orb-544SAddt'l Cap Mar 2015Apr 2015May 2015Jun 2015Aug 2015Oct 2015 Aug/Sept 2015 Allocation (will be manifested after moved to Inc 43/44) Total NASA ESA JAXA CSA Margin (7.47)(121.47)6.61(246.10)5.19(458.78)1.00
Page No. 15 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Chart is based on Baseline PTP and includes flight changes approved at July 15, 2014 SSPCB 42S does not have a NASA crewmember returning (Padalka, Mogensen, Brightman). Returning hardware/samples may not be met by the GIII plane, and potentially would return to Houston via Diplomatic Pouch/Commercial Air. Time from Soyuz landing to return to Houston is approximately hours. Inc 43/44 Utilization Downmass Summary IP Recoverable Return (kg) 41SSpX-7SpX-842S May 2015 Aug 2015Oct 2015 Allocation Total NASA ESA JAXA CSA Margin0.10(22.84)
Page No. 16 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only JEM Airlock Cycles Chart is based on Baseline PTP and includes flight changes approved at July 15, 2014 SSPCB. (*) Cyclops Small Payload will be removed via forthcoming CEF and not reflected in these totals. (**) Crew time for J-SSOD is charged to NASA. JEM Airlock Cycles Flight ManifestedNASAJAXATotal Orb-4 NRCSD2 2 NREP Exchange1 1 SpX-7 NRCSD2 2 Tanpopo 11 SpX-8 None 0 Orb-5 NRCSD2 2 NREP Exchange1 1 J-SSOD **11 Total8 *210 *
Page No. 17 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Inc 43/44 Utilization Crew Time Summary Based on Baseline PTP Current USOS Utilization crew time allocation is 1136 hours 35 hrs/wk x 29.6 work weeks hour ISS Program Manager challenge Science priority will drive any oversubscriptions of nominal crew time prior to OOS planning NASA crew time includes all hours to operate/maintain cold stowage fleet Potential impacts to plan: Payload complement changes have not been incorporated or prioritized following Flight Program changes. Placeholder Payloads requiring any reprioritizations of current content. Increment 41/42 Rollovers CEFs w/ significant crew time impacts: CEF 5314 – HRP Twin Study out for review. See Twin Studies RPWG charts from June 23, 2014 for details. HRP remains within their allocation of 380 hrs. Crew Time (hrs) NomResIP AllocMargin Allocation Total Commissioning NASA ESA JAXA CSA
Page No. 18 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Challenges, Issues and Concerns 1. Robotic Arm Activity SSRMS, SPDM, and/or JEMRMS will be in high demand and is a competitive resource in utilization planning 43/44 Robotic Activity: Qty 4: Vehicle captures/berth (Orb4, SpX7, SpX8, Orb5) Qty 3: Vehicle unberths (Orb4, SpX7, SpX8) Qty 2: Ext Pyld Installations via JEMAL (NREP exchange x2) Qty 8: Pyld Deployables via JEMAL (NRCSD, J-SSOD, Tanpopo) Multiple: Payload External Video Surveys 2. Multiple Drivers for scheduling Deployables JEMAL cycle count (and JAXA Ground Support) Robotic Arm availability Crew Time Availability Scheduling Constraints
Page No. 19 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Challenges, Issues and Concerns (con’t) 3. Planning for the large percentage of utilization crew time linked to Human Research and the Docked Ops Science delivered on USOS flights will present a challenge due to minimal flexibility of those payloads. Payloads with flexibility will be planned outside of the docked timeframe and using all available means. 4. Rodent Research First Rodent Research mission is scheduled for SpX4 (Inc 41/42). Subsequent Rodent Research plans may evolve based on the experiences and lessons learned from those sessions. 5. Cold Stowage support for SpX docked ops will require operation of all 3 MELFI units. JAXA currently assessing for impacts to determine any operational limitations (Power, Thermal, Acoustics) of JAXA payload racks (Ryutai, SAIBO, MSPR) and/or NASA payload racks (ER4) Redundancy to protect for failure is reduced due to high cold stowage demands
Page No. 20 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only PTP Blank Book Status OC3 Integration Team is currently reviewing the content of the PTP blank book based on lessons learned from recent transitions. Teams are working towards releasing a CR in late August / early September, with the intent to implement for the Increment 43/44 Rev A CR. We are requesting that all stakeholders review/relook at the blank book and be prepared to provide any recommendations to make the PTP a more effective product for all users.
Page No. 21 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Summary IDRD MV allocating Utilization to support an average of 35 hrs/week hrs challenge. Upmass/Downmass on USOS flights is highly competitive due to the high priority science manifested on these flights. Requirements are currently at or above current allocations Reserve/flexible tasks will continue to play a critical role in planning in the event of any programmatic changes (i.e flight plan) EVR and JEMAL tasks will be a competitive resource and could create scheduling/planning challenges for unpressurized related utilization. The beginning of the 1 Year Crew Mission will provide both a unique and challenging opportunities for the ISS community at large.
Page No. 22 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only Backup
Page No. 23 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 01/2011)OP/D. Bach/ Pre-Decisional Internal Use Only NASA Utilization Crew Training Summary as of July 4, 2014 Overall I43/44 Training Status I43 I44 PlKorKsKkoYuLg Remaining Hours Completed Hours Total Hours Required % Complete45%0%25%51%0%46%43% I43 Prime Crewmembers Gennady Padalka - Pl Mikhail Kornienko - Kor Scott Kelly - Ks I44 Prime Crewmembers Oleg Kononenko - Kko Kimiya Yui - Yu Kjell Lindgren - Lg