MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory First Contact Package June 2011 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama An Introduction to the Payload Systems Team (PLST)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama EO30 Management Contact Information Space Systems Operations Branch Chief: Nate Boclair (256) Payload Systems Team Lead: David Patterson (256)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Systems Team Roles and Responsibilities Payload Systems consists of 2 functional teams: Data Management Team Data Management Coordinator (DMC) Command & Data Handling/Communications & Tracking (C&DH/C&T) Operations Lead Payload Rack Operations (PRO) Team Payload Rack Officer (PRO) Payload Systems Engineer (PSE) Facility Operations Leads DMC Team DMC real-time position is responsible for configuring and managing data and video systems onboard ISS and overseeing the distribution of data and video to payload developers and POIC. DMC increment preparation position reviews PD requirements for data, video and imagery and defines the integrated configuration requirements and data flow plan for achieving the requirements. The C&DH/C&T Operations Lead provides the technical expertise on ISS data/video systems PRO Team PRO real-time position is responsible for operating payload facilities and distributing Station Payload Support System (PLSS) resources (power, thermal, vacuum) to sub-rack payloads. PRO is also responsible for enabling users for commanding, operating the on-board payload computer (payload multiplexer/demultiplexer-PLMDM) and managing automated procedure execution. PSE real-time position is responsible for providing technical expertise to POIC and managing payload anomaly reporting. PRO increment preparation position supports testing sub-rack payloads, facilities, software loads and performs load shed analysis. Facility Operations Leads, which are also staffed from this team, provide the technical expertise on ISS Facility Racks.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Data Management Coordinator DMC Contacts Hugh Cowart(256) Tim Cruse(256) DMC Roles and Responsibilities During Increment Preparation phase: Participate in Data Systems Forums and Working Groups to represent payload interests regarding enhancements and upgrades Coordinate with PDs, as necessary, to facilitate understanding of data system operations and limitations Provide data/video system expertise for ground support training Collect and integrate requirements for post-flight imagery Develop/update DMC console tools, ground command procedures, Payload Operations Handbook (POH) procedures, Operations Interface Procedures (OIPs)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Data Management Coordinator DMC Responsibilities during Real-time Phase: Configure and manage on-board data and video system Monitor end-to-end payload data and video flow Coordinate with MCC-H flight controllers, Marshall ground team, Johnson ground team, and PD teams to isolate and troubleshoot any off-nominal conditions Develop Data Flow Plan (DFP)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama DMC Expectations of Payload Developers Increment Preparation Expectations Define data and video requirements in URC by I X/Y-8 Work with DMC to gather information describing on-orbit data and video system capabilities, Ku-band coverage, and ground data/video distribution capabilities Work with DMC to resolve any issues related to testing of data/video flow to PD site(s) Real-Time Expectations Be available over the loops to verify receipt of data and video when payload is operating Contact DMC for status of Ku-band acquisition/loss of signal (AOS/LOS) if you are expecting it and are not getting it Work with DMC to adjust video requirements due to factors happening in real-time (for example, time of starting a downlink)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama DMC Product - Data Flow Plan The Data Flow Plan (DFP) is a schedule of the data and video systems activities for a particular day. It includes: Digital data (low-, medium-, high-rate) downlink Low rate example: Payload health and status Medium rate: Payload science data High rate: Payload science data, OCA (mail, IP phone, digital stills) Video downlink (real-time, near real-time, recorded) Communications Outage Recorder events (record and playback) Video Tape Recorder events (record and playback) A review of the payload data requirements defined in URC is performed pre- increment to ensure they can be accommodated DFP is developed by the off-console DMC Planner daily, one day prior to execution. A preliminary DFP is developed 3 days prior to execution. DFP is posted on ISS Ops1 web site (Internal Flight Note) and in the Payload Information Management System (PIMS), daily. DFP for Saturday, Sunday and Monday is posted on Friday.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama DFP Example Note to PDs who have data/video requirements: Training course on how to read/use the DFP will be given.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Systems Team Payload Rack Operations Payload Rack Operations Contact Chris Ruddock (256) Brian Little (256) PRO Team Roles and Responsibilities During Increment Preparation Phase: Support pre-flight testing of sub-rack payload, payload facilities (EXPRESS, MSG, MSRR, MELFI, WORF, EXPRESS Logistics Carrier, ISS Payload Support Systems (PLSS)). Support development and test of EXPRESS S/W loads, Payload MDM S/W upgrades, Timeliner upgrades, ISS Electric Power System Load Shed Tables, POI control center system upgrades and other ground tools. Support development of Timeliner automated procedures (Detailed information available upon request) Prepare impact status of payload anomalies (Ground and Flight) for Certification of Flight Readiness (CoFR). Develop/update flight products such as Ground Command Procedures, Console Handbook, POH, JOIPs and OIP
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama POI Overview POH Volume 1 defines all processes listed below. All Inc X/Y- dates reference SSP ISS Payload Integration Template. PD inputProcessPayload Integration product/output Legend: I X/Y Payload Planning Payload Training Payload Developer Functions Crew Training Req’ts Trained Crew Trained GSP Configured Ground Systems OOS, EPAS, & PL Planning Gr&Cs Displays & OpNoms Crew Procedures Phase II Safety Inputs GSP Training Req’ts Phase III Safety Inputs Ground Systems Final Products Training Plans & Trainers Courses & Scripts -6 Tran- sition Payload Display & Procedures & Displays OpNom OpNom Coordination Display Development and Usability Process ISS Crew Procedures Development Payload Operations Payload Safety Flight Safety Review Process GDS Blank Book Inputs (-13) Planning Req’ts (-8) -3 Payload TST Flt Rules Comments (L-7) PL Reg Comments (L-7) Update Facilities / Configure POIC Payload Planning Process Flt Rules, Payload Regs, & GCPs GCP Development FR & PL Reg Development Ops Hazard Control Verif Hazardous Cmd Verif Hazmat Validation L-2w PHCM TLM and CMD DB Development Sortie Crew Procedures (L-12) GSP Training & Simulations C&DH Inputs (P:L-8, F:L-5) GDS Requirements Collection Status Check Dev Crew Training I X/Y
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Rack Operations Payload Rack Officer (PRO) Roles and Responsibilities During Real-time Operations PRO operates payload facilities (EXPRESS, MELFI, WORF, and ELC), including Station PLSS resources (power, cooling water, and vacuum) and distributes those resources to sub-rack payloads within the racks. PRO manages and configures data and video systems inside the rack for EXPRESS and derivatives and provides path for science telemetry from sub-rack payload interface to Lab interface. MSG and MSRR operators distribute the ISS resources to sub-rack payloads within those facilities. PRO enables users for commanding and monitors status of the Command Server connection to JSC. PRO manages Payload MDM (PLMDM) operations of all PEP services including: Health and Status data, file uplink and downlink, PLMDM configuration, Health & Status Limit Checking, Ancillary Data, and Low Rate Telemetry. PRO manages execution of automated procedures.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Rack Operations Payload Systems Engineer (PSE) Contact Chris Ruddock (256) PSE Roles and Responsibilities During Increment Preparation Phase Prepare Payload Anomaly Report (PAR) status for Certification of Flight Readiness (CoFR). During Realtime Operations The PSE is the primary interface between the POIC cadre and technical support. The PSE is staffed by members of the PRO Team, and: Provides off-line research and data analysis. Supports all Rack/Facility and payload troubleshooting activities, including interfaces with Facility Operations Leads and Sustaining Engineering groups. Manages all aspects of payload anomaly documentation. The PSE coordinates PAR resolution for POIC-operated hardware. The PSE will provide support for closing PD PARs when support is requested by the PD. Provides technical support to PDs for payload troubleshooting and corrective plan development as required.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Rack Operations Facility Operations Leads EXPRESS, MELFI, MSG, MSRR, WORF Develops crew procedures for facilities and works with PD teams to ensure facility/payload procedure interfaces are seamless. Inputs and reviews URC inputs for facility Develops/updates flight products such as Ground Command Procedures, Console Handbook, POH, JOIPs and OIP Supports facility troubleshooting activities, including interfaces with PSE and Sustaining Engineering groups.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama PRO Expectations of Payload Developers Increment Preparation Expectations Define Ground Command Procedures required to support nominal ops Define Payload commands delegated to PRO as back-up Define H&S and critical items for PRO monitoring Testing of payload interfaces with PRO operated facilities Define Timeliner requirements Prelim. L – 9 months, Final L – 3 months Allow payloads and POIC cadre to execute onboard scripts and procedures. May be autonomous or combined with crew or ground interface. Can also be event (limit check) driven. Real-Time Expectations Contact PRO for ISS and PRO operated facility resource activation Contact PRO for Payload MDM file management Contact PRO for command enablement Contact PRO and PSE for off nominal support Tag up with PRO for pre-pass briefing prior to command window Notify PRO of successful/unsuccessful commanding
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 15 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Systems Team (PLST) AOSAcquisition of Signal CoFRCertificate of Flight Readiness DFPData Flow Plan DMCData Management Coordinator EPSElectrical Power System EXPRESSEXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station GSPGround Service Personnel HOSCHuntsville Operations Support Center I X/Y - Dual Increment minus IDRDIncrement Definition and Requirements Document JOIPJoint Operations Interface Procedures LOSLoss of Signal MELFIMinus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS MSGMicrogravity Science Glovebox MSRRMaterial Science Research Rack OCAOrbiter Communications Adapter OIPOperations Interface Procedures
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 16 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Systems Team (PLST) PARPayload Anomaly Report PEPPayload Executive Processor PIMSPayload Information Management System PL MDMPayload Multiplexer/Demultiplexer PLSSPayload Support Systems PLSTPayload Systems Team POHPayload Operations Handbook POIPayload Operations Integration POICPayload Operation Integration Center PROPayload Rack Officer PSEPayload Systems Engineer RICRack Interface Controller RICORealtime Information Control Office URCUser Requirements Collection WORFWindow Observational Research Facility