Warm Up Evaluate each expression for the given values of the variables. Which operation symbol goes with each word? 4. Sum5. Product 6. Quotient7. Difference 1. 9y – 13 for y = n + 2p for n = 2 and p = x – y for x = 1 and y = 2
1.2 Writing Algebraic Expressions I will analyze how to write algebraic expressions by understanding and identifying word phrases for different operations. HHHHHMMMMMMM What does that mean?? Well, yesterday we learned that an algebraic expression has a variable (a letter) in the problem. Word phrases are word/word combinations like, “No way,” or “Bob said so.” Operations are what we use all the time in math: +, -, x, and / SO, word phrases for different operations means words that represent +, -, x, and /
Word Phrases for Different Operations REMEMBER!!!!!! When you are writing an algebraic equation, it is EXTREMELY important to make sure that you write it in the correct order.....
A. 9 less than a number w B. 3 increased by the difference of p and 5
Write an algebraic expression for each word phrase less than a number k 2. a number x divided by times the sum of n and 5 Write an algebraic expression to evaluate the word problem. 4. Karen buys n raffle tickets for $0.50 each. If she buys 13 of them, how much will they cost?
A. 88 times the difference of h and 4 B. the quotient of a number f and 6 Write a word phrase for the algebraic expression 9 – 3c. Write a word phrase for the algebraic expression b. The difference between 9 and 3 times a number c 7 plus 19 times a number b
A restaurant leased its banquet hall for a function. The cost was $10 per person. Write an algebraic expression to determine what the cost would be if n people attended the function. Then evaluate the expression for 20, 21, 22, or 23 people. Additional Example 3: Writing and Evaluating Expressions in Word Problems
a number plus 5 sum of a number and 5 5 more than a number subtract 11 from a number difference of a number and less than a number 3 multiplied by a number product of 3 and a number 7 divided into a number quotient of a number and 7 n + 5 x – 11 3 m or 3m or a 7 a 7 Word PhrasesExpression + –