WP2 general slides Victor Reijs, HEAnet
WP2 – Dissemination, exploitation, standardisation and liaisons Participants: HEAnet (leader), i2cat, NORDUnet, TID, TCD, UNI-C & University of Essex Goals: – Provide a web/wiki/blog presence and general external communication deliverables – Provide frame works, guidelines and support for the other Mantychore WPs to do their dissemination, standardisation and liaisons – Stimulate project tools/service utilisation by ICT industry and a positive impact on social economic developments
WP2 tasks T2.1: Dissemination Providing press releases and Internet presence. Prodiving guidelines for papers, presentations and demonstrations T2.2: Exploitation One of key activities of Mantychore project. Stimulate project tools/service to be used by ICT industry and a positive impact on social economic developments T2.3: Standardisation Provide guidelines, feedback and possible contribution to standards in Mantychore’s environment T2.4: Liaisons Provide guidelines for liaisons with related initiatives and/or project, which might benefit from Mantychore