Corporate Information Governance Team Grisilda Ponniah, Corporate Information Governance Manager
Information & Governance Team
Main Legislation o Freedom of Information Act 2000 o Environmental Information Regulations 2004 o Data Protection Act 1998 o Commons Act 2006
o Confirm/deny if information is held o Respond and supply within legal timescales (usually 20 working days) unless: Not held Vexatious/repeated Exceeds cost limit (18 hours work) (NB does not apply to environmental information) Exemption applies SCC’s duties under FOI/EIR
Our role Responsibility for compliance lies with the Service Network of information access officers (IAO) in the Services who manage requests within the services. Freedom of Information Officer manages cross service requests FOI Officer and and Corporate Information Governance Manager provide guidance, training and updates, monitor requests received, and handle complaints and appeals including liaising with the Information Commissioner
Volume of FOI/EIR requests
Who is asking for information
What are they asking about? (courtesy of Zack Clothier)
What are they asking about Regular topics Potholes Information about deceased persons Salaries and expenses Recent popular topics Parking Library PVR More unusual we’ve had Meetings with Pagan Groups Complaints about ghosts Feng Shui training Sky lanterns