Homes The Potawatomi live in… Cone shaped- dome shaped- rectangular shaped- wigwam frame feet tall. There were two types of dwellings used by the Potawatomi dome shaped home called wigwam’s and rectangular lodges with birch bark. They used birch bark stretch over a wooden frame.
Food They ate fish, deer meat, bear meat, wolf meat and fox meat and other small animals they also ate corn, beans,squash. They also hunted wild birds. To get their food they spear the animals and made trap’s.They used nets and their bare hand’s and Bowen arrows.
Where did they live? They live in the Southern lower peninsula and in the eastern Woodland. They also lived in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ontario and Wisconsin. Potawatomi also lived in the northern Wisconsin.
Roles of Men and Women Men Roles Potawatomi men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect their families. Women Roles Women and girls wove Fishnets grew crops softened animal skins chopped wood and cooked. Women also did most of the child care. Women also made the homes of the people.
Roles of Children Boys helped their dads make traps to hunt for food. Also helped their dads hunt fish. Girls helped their mothers with cooking and also the girls help their mom cut birch bark.
Special Trade or Skill The Potawatomi were amazing farmers. They made many interesting things out of wood. When the Potawatomi built things it could sometimes take them a long time to build.
Clothing Men wore moccasins on feet and robes in bad weather. Men also wore breechcloths, leggings and deer skin shirts. Women wore long deer skin dresses. Women also wore moccasins on feet and robes in bad weather.
Interesting Facts Potawatomi used to play lacrosse as a game. If they lost a son or a daughter they would take a son or a daughter and adopt them. In their religious beliefs, you must treat all living things with respect. They kept dogs as pets. The dogs were used for hunting and as guard dogs. However, they would eat dog if they needed to.
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