A Students Survival Guide For Computers And Internet By Kristina Patrakova Block G September 26, 2014 Info tech 9/10
Precautions You Should Take To Remain Safe On The Internet Be cautious of the links you click, if you receive an from an anonymous user, there is a Ginormous chance that it is a virus. Know what you have posted about yourself. Hackers normally go to your profiles and look through for possible answers to security questions. For example your first pet, first house, first spouse etc. Know what you have posted about yourself. Hackers normally go to your profiles and look through for possible answers to security questions. For example your first pet, first house, first spouse etc. Don’t post pictures or say anything you would not want your family seeing. They can spread like forest fires and before you know it, the police are knocking on your door at 3am.
Ergonomics Ergonomics is a way of arranging items for a safe and comfortable area. Ex. An office with a computer must be designed to be safe but still comfortable. Employers and employees should be concerned about ergonomics because: employers should be giving their employees a safe and comfortable place to work so they’re work habits do not decrease and they are willing to come back to work. Employees will quickly have their work decrease because being uncomfortable has a big deal in the work we do for example if school was held in a dumpster with an aggressive pit-bull on a leash, we would certainly not be doing our best. At least I know I wouldn’t be able to concentrate.
Ergonomics Part 2 Some symptoms and signs: “Pain in the fingers, wrists, or other parts of the body: may include a dull aching pain, a sharp stabbing pain, or even a burning sensation, Tingling or numbness, particularly in the hands or fingers,Swelling, inflammation, or joint stiffness, Loss of muscle function or weakness, Discomfort or pain in the shoulders, neck, or upper or lower back,Extremities turning white or feeling unusually cold, General feeling of muscle tightness, cramping, or discomfort, Clumsiness or loss of coordination,Range of motion loss, Discomfort when making certain movements” Site where symptoms were found can be found in bibliography
Comparison E 3 potatoes E stands for ergonomic! Slightly better angle for humans A regular keyboard not at a great angle 2 potatoes 1 potato E 4 potatoes Keeps your hand and wrist at neutral position Too small for hand
Comparison Part 2 E. Long lasting material, able to adjust position. 4 potatoes Uncomfort able, wooden so sitting in it for a long time is not advised, 1 potato
Define Intellectual Property A work or invention of creativity, that one can get a patent, copyright etc. for.
File Sharing It depends on what is in the file. For example it has been proven that downloading music and putting it in a shared folder for others, is legal. If in the file it had a picture of someone, that is illegal. If it had an illegally downloaded game, its illegal.
File Sharing Opinion In my own opinion file sharing should be legal only in a few terms. For example if it was music or a movie I think it should be legal. Maybe games but it would depend on the game, because lets face it, games are getting extremely expensive.
Top sites and-secure/top-tips-to-stay-safe/ and-secure/top-tips-to-stay-safe/ This site has great tips on staying safe It has 3 categories and each are about Yourself and computers. This site has 11 great facts that are simple and easy to follow
Top Sites This site gives you most of the symptoms to disease that have been caused by bad ergonomics. Great to see what you can improve. This site has reviews for ergonomic chairs,mouses, keyboards, etc. really helps in work spaces
Top Sites Helps you get to know what's illegal and where its illegal regarding copyright.
Bibliography safe-and-secure/top-tips-to-stay-safe/ safe-and-secure/top-tips-to-stay-safe/