Fire Products NASA ARSET-AQ Links Updated November 2013 ARSET Applied Remote SEnsing Training A project of NASA Applied Sciences
Fire Products Summary Abba Fire Products GOES fire imagery for North and South America Geostationary loops for past 24 hours * NOAA Hazard Mapping System Operational Daily Fire and Smoke Analysis North America Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Data Real time satellite imagery loops Archive image and KML files for the past 6 months NOAA Storm Prediction Center Fire Weather Outlooks & Forecasts for 1 to 8 days for U.S. Forest Service Active Fire Mapping Program Interactive Fire Detection Mapping for the past 24 hours. U.S. and Canada Historical KML files of fire detection and fire radiative power available beginning July 2008 Monthly burn scar data in KML format. FIRMS – Fire Information for Resource Management System Global MODIS interactive fire maps for any period during the MODIS mission Burned area interactive map. KML files for past 6 days * alerts for active fires.
Product Integrates Satellite Data Automated Fire Detection Algorithms Ancillary Data Layers NOAA Hazard Mapping System (HMS) Operational daily fire and smoke analysis for North America Automated Fire Detection and Human Input Analysts review fire detections and retain or delete them Analysts can add hotspots that the algorithms have not detected.
NOAA Hazard Mapping System Fire and Smoke Product Fire Information from MODIS and GOES, Complied by NOAA Link to archived products Active products are only for the past 24 – 48 hours
NOAA Hazard Mapping System Fire and Smoke Product Fire Information from MODIS and GOES, Complied by NOAA Select type of fire product Next select format and time period.
Fire and Smoke KML Files from NOAA HMS as Displayed in Google Earth Clicking on a fire symbol will display information about the fire.
Interactive GIS HMS Map from NOAA Click on “Getting Started” for information about the map and how to use it.
NOAA Hazard Mapping System (HMS) Satellite input information for HMS Satellite Sensor SWIR nominal resolutionRefresh RateGeographic coverage Automated detection algorithm GEOSTATIONARY GOES-East GOES-West 4km15 minutes CONUS/Canada/ Central AmericaWFABBA Western half of CONUS/Alaska/Hawaii POLAR NOAA-15/17/18 MODIS Terra MODIS Aqua 1km Twice/day low/mid latitudes More frequent at high latitudes Most of North/Central America except NOAA-15 which does not cover Western US FIMMA MODIS
FIRMS – Fire Information for Resource Management System Global MODIS interactive fire maps for any period during the MODIS mission Burned area interactive map. KML files for past 6 days alerts for active fires. This is the only site covered in this presentation with global fire data.
MODIS Active Fire Mapping Program Fire Information from MODIS Complied by USDA The burn scar product can be accessed here. FIRMS – Fire Information for Resource Management System data/firms
MODIS Active Fire Mapping Program Fire Information from MODIS Complied by USDA The burn scar product can be accessed here. Alerts can be used to design a custom alert to inform you of fire events in your area of interest
Firms Web Fire Mapper Uses Only MODIS Detections The burn scar product can be accessed here. Alerts can be used to design a custom alert to inform you of fire events in your area of interest Default Display is past 48 hours These controls can be used to display a range of historical dates Plus and Minus can be used to change the start and end dates Arrows can be used to shift the entire range of selected dates
MODIS Active Fire Mapping Program Fire Information from MODIS Complied by USDA The burn scar product can be accessed here. Active Fire Data provides access to 24 hr, 48 hr and 7 day data in several formats.
You can also create a custom request for data which will be processed for you as either a shape file or in csv format.
Forest Service Active Fire Mapping Program Interactive Fire Detection Mapping for the past 24 hours. U.S. and Canada Historical KML files of fire detection and fire radiative power available beginning July 2008 Monthly burn scar data in KML format.
MODIS Active Fire Mapping Program Fire Information from MODIS Complied by USDA Select a fire from the drop down menu to get additional information. The burn scar product can be accessed here.
USDA Active Fire Mapping Program MODIS Fire Detections Displayed in Google Earth Clicking on a fire symbol will display information about the fire.
Abba Fire Products GOES fire imagery for North and South America Geostationary loops for past 24 hours Go to the “Realtime loops” link for more information and to find the loops.
The GOES Wildfire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (WF_ABBA) ftp://sate Data: - Automatically locates and characterizes sub-pixel fires in GOES imagery in the Western Hemisphere - The product is run every 30 minutes Product includes: - Fire Location (lat./lon.) - Estimates of Fire Size and Temperature - Ecosystem Type. WF_ABBA fire product available as: - ASCII text files, AREA files - Alpha-blended composite imagery
Displays include three overviews and 35 regional views of the Western Hemisphere. Examples of Regional View Sectors University of Wisconsin-Madison CIMSS/ASPT GOES-10/-12 Half-hourly Wildfire ABBA Web Distribution
Example of the GOES Wildfire ABBA Monitoring System in the Western Hemisphere
GOES-8 Wildfire ABBA Summary Composite of Filtered Half-Hourly Fire Observations for the Western Hemisphere Time Period: September 1, 2001 to August 31, 2002 The composite shows the much higher incidence of burning in Central and South America, primarily associated with deforestation and agricultural management. Fire Pixel Distribution North America (30-70°N): 12% Central America (10-30°N): 11% South America (70°S-10°N): 77% Processed Saturated Cloudy High Possibility Medium Possibility Fire Pixel Category The base map for this composite image is derived from the Global Land Cover Characteristics database provided by the USGS
Applications of the GOES Wildfire ABBA in Modeling Programs Collaborations result in submission/publication of 3-peer reviewed publications in FY03 Real-time Assimilation at the University of Sao Paulo and CPTEC/INPE into the RAMS model Point Sources for 13 August 2002 RAMS CO Product RAMS PM2.5 Product GOES-8 WF_ABBA Fire Product Real-time Assimilation into the Naval Research Laboratory Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) GOES WF_ABBA Fire Product 22 August 2003 at 17:45 UTC NAAPS Smoke Optical Depth 22 August 2003 at 18:00 UTC GOES-8 ABBA Fire and MACADA Cloud Products Used in Study to Model and Predict Future Fire Activity at UNH Collaboration with Univ. of New Hampshire Inst. for Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space Other Modeling Efforts and Collaborations Climate Modeling at NASA/GSFC: Assimilation into the GOCART model Real-time Air Quality Modeling at NASA/Langley: Real-time assimilation into the RAQMS model as part of IDEA (Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications) Fire Emissions and Regional Air Quality Modeling at NCAR: Assimilation into the U.S. EPA Community Multiscale Air Quality model in support of the 2002 SMOCC campaign in Brazil Intermediate Deforestation Scenario Predicted increase in future regional fire activity: 22% Complete Deforestation Scenario Predicted increase in future regional fire activity: 123% Number of Fire Pixels
National Weather Service Data Current, Past, Fire, and Forecasted Weather Files from NWS Not working