America Claims an Empire Chapter 18
2. Imperialism Assert economic, political, and military control over a weaker people Assert economic, political, and military control over a weaker people European powers engaged in imperialism for centuries European powers engaged in imperialism for centuries Strengthened/protected a nations economic, political and military interests Strengthened/protected a nations economic, political and military interests
11. What spurred American Imperialism Economic Competition – resources and markets Economic Competition – resources and markets Political and military competition – influence and bases Political and military competition – influence and bases Belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons - Ethnocentrism Belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons - Ethnocentrism
4. Yellow Journalism Grew out of a newspaper circulation war – Hearst and Pulitzer Grew out of a newspaper circulation war – Hearst and Pulitzer Mixed fact and fiction* Mixed fact and fiction* Meant to appeal to the emotions Meant to appeal to the emotions Instrumental in Spanish- American War Instrumental in Spanish- American War
5. U.S.S Maine Sent to Cuba to protect Americans and property of Americans Sent to Cuba to protect Americans and property of Americans Explosion sinks the Maine /260 killed/Cause unclear Explosion sinks the Maine /260 killed/Cause unclear Used as a rallying cry by advocates of war with Spain Used as a rallying cry by advocates of war with Spain
6. Protectorate A country whose affairs are partially controlled by another country A country whose affairs are partially controlled by another country Cuba was forced to accept the Platt Amendment limiting its sovereignty Cuba was forced to accept the Platt Amendment limiting its sovereignty Allowed for US involvement in Cuban affairs Allowed for US involvement in Cuban affairs
10. Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine – Europe to stay out of Western Hemisphere Monroe Doctrine – Europe to stay out of Western Hemisphere Roosevelt Corollary – US had the right to intervene – Use its “police power” to keep Latin American countries stable Roosevelt Corollary – US had the right to intervene – Use its “police power” to keep Latin American countries stable Example: Nicaragua – defaulting on loans Example: Nicaragua – defaulting on loans
13. American opinion divides over Cuba Independence US businessmen support Spain - Want stability for economic reasons US businessmen support Spain - Want stability for economic reasons Americans saw similarities between Cuba’s desire for independence and America’s war for independence Americans saw similarities between Cuba’s desire for independence and America’s war for independence
17. Three key beliefs/Open Door Policy Export markets necessary for US economic growth Export markets necessary for US economic growth US right to intervene to keep markets open US right to intervene to keep markets open Closing an area to US exports threatened US survival Closing an area to US exports threatened US survival
20. Wilson’s “Missionary Diplomacy” US should only recognize governments consistent with US democratic values US should only recognize governments consistent with US democratic values Mexico – 1911/1914Mexico – 1911/1914 Recognizing “just governments” Recognizing “just governments” realpolitic realpolitic Haiti Haiti Dominican Republic Dominican Republic