Political Cartoon Analysis - Roosevelt Corollary - Elyssa Arcibal, Lisa Phinisee
Time Frame Individuals—President Roosevelt, European power with claims, the Dominican Republic Symbolism Cannon=Monroe Doctrine U.S. Ships—America’s use of military force Following the Roosevelt Corollary, Roosevelt is using the Monroe Doctrine to keep European powers out of the Dominican Republic Analysis Early 1900s During the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
Cause In the 1900s, Latin American nations had financial troubles with European creditors European powers were ready to invade Latin American countries to make them pay their debts Ex. Britain vs. Venezuela Roosevelt declared in 1904 that the U.S. would intervene using military to ensure that Latin American nations in the Western Hemisphere pay their debts to European creditors
Effect The U.S. had the right to exercise military force in Latin American countries in order to keep European countries out served as a justification for U.S. intervention in Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic had little to do with relations between the Western Hemisphere and Europe
Value Help us understand about Roosevelt’s aggressive, imperialistic foreign policy The Monroe Doctrine had been sought to prevent European intervention in the Western Hemisphere, but now the Roosevelt Corollary justified America’s right to exercise military force in the Western Hemisphere Limitation Does not show the opinions of Latin Americans How they felt about the U.S. intervention in their affairs, whether they appreciated it or not
U.S. Territorial Expansion Policy Was it proper and legitimate? The US territorial expansion wasn't a proper and legitimate policy for the United States to follow with the Roosevelt Corollary because it was used as an excuse to send U.S. forces into various countries such as Haiti, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, which resulted in weak relations with Latin America.