slogan Pond 高泉隆
萬事皆可達,唯有情無價 Mastercard We can do everything for you in daily life except emotion event Boasting way, and priceless the more important things Drop a hint: If anything has a price, then you can count on me …
一次買好,就是頂好 Welcome supermarket Commercial recently on TV Persuasive slogan: you don ’ t have to buy things at several different places Information slogan: we have everything you need in daily life
流汗總比流血好 From the Ministry of Communications Encourage to wear a safety helmet To decrease the rate of death on traffic accident Persuasive slogan: life is more important then comfortable Reminder slogan: to save yourself, wear a safety helmet when you are biking
喜歡嗎?爸爸買給你 … Lottery Question: can your afford what your children want Simple dream of a father, close to every father ’ s wish Persuasive slogan: you can get everything you want with money Simple slogan but can draw a picture that one get a fortune all of a sudden
生命就該浪費在美好的事情上 曼仕德咖啡 Conflict ideas Wasting life v.s enjoyable things Persuasive slogan: you don ’ t have to feel guilty when you are doing good things Wasting life can be forgivable if it worth it.