Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TCP/RER/3402 (D) Working Group Guidelines Belgrade, Serbia Hotel Best Western M 18 July 2013
Highlights of WG discussions: Task 1: Plenary discussions on list of pathogens for surveillance, criteria used, aims/objectives of surveillance CriteriaExoticControl 1. VHS/IHN OIE/EU listed, present in country 1/5, economically important 5/5, protection of national aquaculture 5/5 NoYes 5/5 General 2. SVCOIE listed, present in country 1/5, economically important 5/5, protection of national aquaculture 5/5 NoPassive 2/5, Active 3/5 3. KHVOIE/EU listed, Present in country 0/5 countries Economically impt 3/5 YesPassive 3/5, Active 2/5
Highlights of WG discussions: Task 2: Surveillance design (based on checklist) Comments of Surveillance design VHS/ IHN Control 5/5 Croatian template WG1 and 2 WG1 1.Yes 2.Partialy – inclusion criteria and Exclusion criteria is not include in Surveillance design 3. The Clustering of disease is missing 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. List of tests that is in Program is not detailed and does not include Se i Sp of the tests 7. No - Risk Assesment is not includ in the Program 8. Yes 9. No - Data about the Validation of Program is not include and that means which type of validation has been done. 10. Yes 11.Yes 12. No
Highlights of WG discussions: Task 2: Surveillance design implementation Recommendation for Implementation WG1 Movement control WG2WG3 VHS/ IHN Control 5/5 SVC Control Passive 2/5, Active 3/5 KHV Control Passive 3/5, Active 2/5
Highlights of WG discussions: Task 3: Improvement of Passive Surveillance WG1 -Raise the level of trust between farmers and competent veterinarian -Education of farmers about the benefits from good cooperation between him and veterinarian WG2WG3
Highlights of WG discussions: Task 3: Improvement of Passive Surveillance WG1WG2WG3 -Rise the level of conscience about the importance of reporting of suspicion on infection diseases ( education, media campaign, availability of information etc.) -Improving od biosecurity measures and education of farmers about the importance of these measures
Highlights of WG discussions: Task 3: Improvement of Passive Surveillance WG1WG2WG3 -Subsidies for aquaculture ( good farmers)
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