Slide 1 DRAFT 2010 State of Michigan Educational Technology Plan State Board of Education Presentation December 8, 2009 Sally Vaughn, Ph.D. Deputy Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer Michigan Department of Education MaryAlice Galloway, Director Office of Education Improvement and Innovation Bruce Umpstead, State Director Educational Technology and Data Coordination
Slide 2 Time for an Update 2006 State Educational Technology Plan 2010 State Educational Technology Plan
Slide 3 Teaching for LearningLeadership Digital Citizenship School and Community Relations Professional Learning Data and Information Management Aligning with the Michigan School Improvement Framework 2006 Ed Tech Plan2006 MSIF Student Learning Data Driven Decisions Professional Learning Broadband Access Shared Resources Funding Leadership Teaching for Learning Data and Information Management Professional Learning School and Community Relations 2010 Ed Tech Plan
Slide 4 Input provided by the Educational Technology Advisory Group (ETAG) Membership List on pages 18 and 19
Slide 5 Language Tightened and Clarified
Slide 6 Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan NP Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan PSA Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan Tech Plan LEA Tech Plan State Plan serves as model for ISDs, Districts, Public School Academies, and Non-Public Schools MDE approves Public School Districts, Public School Academies, and Non- Public Schools technology plans as part of the Federal Communication Commission's eRate program
Slide 7 Federal Measures of Progress Educational Technology Effectiveness Every district must annually report: Technology integrated curriculum (state approved technology plan) Number of instructional computers with high- speed, low speed, or no connectivity to the internet Number of personnel skilled in technology Number of eighth grade students determined to be technologically literate
Slide 8 Personnel Skilled in Technology Professional Standards for Michigan Teachers (Standard 7)
Slide 9 8 th Grade Technology Literacy Michigan Educational Technology Standards for Students (METS-S)
Slide 10 State Sponsored Programs 21 individual waivers issued Genesee ISD waiver extended to the entire state –25 percent of districts’ high school students –But no more than 10 percent of ISDs’ total high school population Superintendent’s Seat Time Waivers
Slide 11 Federally Funded Programs Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives $11.6 Million in ARRA funding All ISDs and their districts and academies were eligible Focus on differentiated instruction using data Expanding existing data systems and professional development models Full participation in the collective evaluation Permission to use district data for research purposes Common set of standards for personnel technology skills Common set of assessment items for 8th grade technology literacy
Slide 12 Schedule of Public Comment Draft presented to SBE12/8/2009 Web surveyopened 12/11/2009 closed 1/15/2009 Webinars –Tuesday, 10am12/15/2009 –Tuesday, 10am12/22/0209 –Tuesday, 2pm1/5/2010 –Tuesday, 2pm1/19/2010 Final version presented to SBE2/9/2010
Slide 13 Contacts Bruce Umpstead Barb Fardell Ron Faulds Public Documents