East Carolina University Records Management
Records should be destroyed when indicated by the departmental or general records schedule. Items marked for destruction “when administrative value ends” may be disposed of once your office no longer requires the records to perform the duties of your position. Items marked for destruction “when reference value ends” should be disposed of after your office no longer needs them for administrative purposes. For items not appearing on the Records Schedule, contact Records Center staff by ing
After your office has received an approved records retention schedule, records may be destroyed in office. Ask your departmental records coordinator or contact the Records Center if you have questions regarding approvals or other destruction information. Records must be destroyed by the following means: Staff must complete a “Report of Destruction of University Records” and file it with the University Archivist Forms will be signed and returned to your office prior to destruction by one 1.Burning, unless prohibited in your area 2.Shredded, must ensure destruction of content 3.Place in acid vats to reduce paper to pulp 4.Buried in a manner that will destroy the contents of documents 5.Sold as waste paper if purchaser agrees in writing to not resell the waste as documents or records 6.Material transferred to the Records Center are destroyed CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS MUST BE DESTROYED IN A MATTER THAT PREVENTS THEIR FUTURE USE
Permanent records are maintained within the University Archives. The Records Schedule will indicate if records should be preserved forever. All records transferred to the University Archives are subject to review. In some cases, material may be returned, destroyed, or transferred to another organization. University material may not be donated or otherwise transferred to outside agencies without the permission of the University Archivist.