Masaki Hirabaru (NICT) and Jin Tanaka (KDDI) Impact of Bottleneck Queue on Long Distant TCP Transfer August 25, 2005 NOC-Network Engineering Session Advanced Network Conference in Taipei
APAN Requirements on Transport Advanced ► High Speed International ► Long Distant Difficulty in Congestion Avoidance is in proportion to: Bandwidth-Delay Product (BWDP) Single TCP flow No fairness considered
Long Distant Rover Control (at least) 7 minutes one way delay Image Command Earth Mars When operator saw collision, it was too late.
Long-Distance End-to-End Congestion Control Merge (Bottleneck) A+B > C Overflow Sender (JP) Receiver (US) Feedback BWDP: Amount of data sent but not yet acknowledged 64Kbps x 200ms = 1600B ~ 1 Packet 1Gbps x 200ms = 25MB ~ Packets 200ms round trip delay A B C
Analyzing Advanced TCP Dynamic Behavior in a Real Network ( Example: From Tokyo to Indianapolis at 1G bps with HighSpeed TCP ) The data was obtained during e-VLBI demonstration at Internet2 Member Meeting in October Throughput RTT Window Sizes Packet Losses The graphs were generated through web100.
Receiver Linux TCP Sender dummyne t FreeBSD 5.1 GbE RTT 200ms (100ms one-way) GbE Only 800 Mbps available TCP Performance Measurement in Testbed focus on bottleneck queue overflow (loss) queuing delay (q) + trip delay (t) 1/2RTT < t < RTT 1500B MTU
TCP Performance with Different Queue Sizes
TCP’s Way of Rate Control (slow-start) RTT (200ms) 20ms40ms80ms160ms t 1Gbps rate average rate 150 Mbps average rate overflows with a 1000-packet queue 100Mbps
(a) HighSpeed (b) Scalable (c) BIC (d) FAST Bottleneck bandwidth and queue size TCP Burstyness
* set to 100M for measurement Measuring Bottleneck Queue Sizes Switch / Router Queue Size Measurement Result ReceiverSender Capacit y C packet train lost packet measured packet Queue Size = C x (Delay max – Delay min ) Device Queuing Delay (µs) Capacity (Mbps) Estimated Queue Size (1500B) FES12GCF *50p/75KB GB9812T *180p/270KB Summit1i *169p/254KB GS p/90KB FI p/447KB M p/18MB Pro p/23MB cross traffic injected for measurement
RouterSwitch 1Gbps (10G) 100Mbps (1G) b-1) Typical Bottleneck Cases RouterSwitch a) Queue ~100 Queue ~1000 VLANs Switch/ Router 10G LAN-PHY Ethernet Untag b-2) 9.5G WAN-PHY 802.1q Tag
Solutions by Advanced TCPs Loss-Based ► AQM (Advanced Queue Management) Reno, Scalable, High-Speed, BIC, … Delay-Based Vegas, FAST Explicit Router Notification ECN, XCP, Quick Start, SIRENS, MaxNet How can wee foresee collision (queue overflow)?
Queue Management Methods FIFO (First In First Out) RED ( Random Early Detection ) drop full drop threshold
HOLB (Head of Line Blocking) full slow fast output queue input queue wait blocked empty Switch Note: Ethernet flow-control (PAUSE frame in 802.3x) may produce HOLB (Head of line blocking), resulting in less performance at a backbone switch. full PAUSE
Summary Add an interface to a router. Or, Use a switch with an appropriate interface queue. Let’s consider making use of AQM on a router. Future Plan 10G bps congestion through TransPAC2 and JGN II with large delay (>=100 ms)