Data Quality for Long-Term Datasets
NESDIS Metadata Station History Satellite Granule NBII & Other Extensions Network Management & Health Remote Sensing FGDC Classic ISO 191*
NESDIS Metadata Station History Satellite Granule NBII & Other Extensions Network Management & Health FGDC Classic ISO 191* Remote Sensing Static Dynamic
ISO Quality Scope DQ_Scope + level: MD_ScopeCode + extent [0..1] : EX_Extent + levelDescription [0..*] : MD_ScopeDescription MD_ScopeCode + attribute + attributeType + collectionHardware + collectionSession + dataset + series + nonGeographicDataset + dimensionGroup + feature + featureType + propertyType + fieldSession + software + service + model + tile MD_ScopeDescription + attributes : Set + features : Set + featureInstances : Set + attributeInstances : Set + dataset : CharacterString + other : CharacterString EX_Extent describes the spatial and temporal extent of the quality section.
OAIS Principles: Ingest Functions Quality Assurance Receive Submission Generate AIP Generate Descriptive Information Co-ordinate Updates ADMINISTRATIONADMINISTRATION Producer SIP Receipt confirmation Resubmit request SIP QA Results Data Formatting and Doc Stds. SIP, AIP for AuditAudit Report Data Management Archival Storage SIP AIP Descriptive Info Descriptive Info AIP Database Update Request Report Request Report Storage Request, AIP Storage Confirmation (Updated) SIP Quality Assurance Receive Submission
Granule Metadata - Present
Rich Inventory
Aerosol Algorithm Change
Metadata Hi Ted, We did some digging and this is the result. This conclusion is the most pertinent info we could find from logs or archives. Here it is: i checked my archives, and here is what i found out: it appears that the current 3rd generation aerosol algorithm was implemented into operations around Oct-Nov 2002 time frame. cannot say more precisely, as all correspondence i am looking at, talks about this indirectly. (maybe it's what Steve refers to as the Phase II aerosol-SST algorithm.) At the same time, Steve had implemented quite a few other changes fixing data bugs and formats: view angle problem in AEROBS, increased digitization in all channel's reflectances and AODs, etc. The jump in AOD1 is deemed due to introducing 3rd generation algorithm, which replaced the 2nd generation. The new numbers (~0.08) look more realistic than the previous ones (~0.05 or so). The changes seen in the data is close to the expected effect of this change. the 3rd gen alg takes into account the exact spectral response of N16 AVHRR, whereas the 2nd gen was using a generic set of LUTs for all AVHRRs ("one size fits all"). hopefully this settles the issue..