Integrated Literacy Assignment Kaitlyn Stermer
GLCE 3-G4.0.2 Describe diverse groups that have come into a region of Michigan and reasons why they came (push/pull factors) (H)
Song The Great American Melting Pot
Video WP4mY WP4mY
Lesson Plan Detroit History mtown.php mtown.php
Books Professor Tuesday’s Awesome Adventures in History: Migrating to Michigan By: Jeffery L. Schatzer Coming to America: The Story of Immigration By: Betsy Maestro All About America: The Industrial Revolution By: Hilarie N. Staton
Content Magazines Michigan History for Kids Life on the Lakes The Mitten Copper
Websites A to Z Kid Stuff Immigration America
Map of Michigan Map of Michigan Regions
Michigan Map Poem By: Denise Rodgers Michigan Map Poem Saginaw Bay is the crook of a mitten. Port Hope is right up near the thumb. Manistee sits right where you'd put your pinky. The Lansing spot taps on a drum. Sturgis is south, at the base of the wrist and there's Mackinac at the tip top. There are so many cities in Michigan's mitten. Recite them and you'll never stop. Mount Pleasant, Ann Arbor and Kalamazoo, Adrian, Midland and Frost, Alpena, Kalkaska, Boyne City and Bath. Keep driving until you get lost. The mitten is grand, it is large, it is super, but down there you'll never get close to a yooper. A yooper's a person who's from the U.P. The part of the state where there's much more to see. There's Laurium, Skandia, Limestone and Tula, Marquette, Iron Mountain and Gay. There's Drummond and White Pine and Greenland and Johnsville and Witch Lake and Keweenaw Bay. So go for a ride, get out there exploring no matter how long it might take. And if you get finished with finding the cities, then next you can look for the lakes...
Classroom Activity x1.html x1.html To Leave or Not To Leave? Students are grouped up and then take on identities of people from other countries, the students are then asked to brain storm what reasons they would migrate to Michigan (jobs, freedom, family, etc.). Groups would then research their group and with the information found, the groups would present a mini skit of the reasons why their group chose to migrate to Michigan
Artwork Painting depicting the Irish Potato Famine
Primary Sources Library of Congress rs/classroommaterials/pri marysourcesets/immigrat ion/pdf/teacher_guide.pdf rs/classroommaterials/pri marysourcesets/immigrat ion/pdf/teacher_guide.pdf
Detroit Historical Society: Frontiers to Factories: Curriculum (2011) Frontiers to Factories. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). DocsOnline (2013) Detroit: History of Car Industry and City Population, YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Immigration: Challenges for New America (no date) Library of Congress. Available at: f/teacher_guide.pdf (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Irish Great Potato Famine by Granger (2015) Fine Art America. Fine Art America. Available at: granger.html (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Maestro, B. and Ryan, S. (1996) Coming to America: The Story of Immigration: The Story of Immigration. United States: New York: Scholastic, c1996. Michigan Facts for Children (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). PBS Teachers. Thematic Teaching. Immigration. Activity Ideas (2015) PBS. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Sources
Sources Continued Push-Pull Factors (no date) Immigration in America. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Rodgers, D. (2015) ‘Michigan Poetry’, Funny Poems. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Schatzer, J. L. (2010) Professor Tuesday’s Awesome Adventures in History: Book Two: Migrating to Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich: Perseus Distribution Services. Sportman’s Connections Lake maps and Lake Map Software - Michigan Regions - NAUTICAL Charts, Fishing Maps, Maptech Software, Chart Books, Cruising Guides and more for your Boating Needs (no date) GeoMart. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Staton, H. N. (2012) The Industrial Revolution. The Mitten «Seeking Michigan (2012) Seeking Michigan. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015). Über, T. (2013) Schoolhouse Rock - The Great American Melting Pot’’, YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2015).