the rate of evolution Where selection pressures are high, the rate of evolution can be rapid.
The rate of evolution can be increased by factors such as: shorter generation times
cladograms A branching, treelike diagram to illustrate phylogenetic relationships and to show points at which various species are presumed to have diverged from common ancestral forms. cladograms
activity 1 - cladograms Compare the two cladograms below. Discuss the effect of generation time on the rate of evolution.
The rate of evolution can be increased by factors such as: warmer environments
The rate of evolution can be increased by factors such as: the sharing of beneficial DNA sequences between different lineages through sexual reproduction
The rate of evolution can be increased by factors such as: horizontal gene transfer animation
activity 2 – MRSA gene hunt Your teacher will introduce you to the activity. The aim of this activity is to highlight the role of different genes in the virulence, pathogenicity and evolution of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strains. MRSA gene hunt
activity 3 – X bacteria Your teacher will introduce the practical. the X bacteria Aim: To investigate the spread of antibiotic resistance between bacteria.