When you begin taking notes for your research paper, you will create two types of index cards: o source cards o note cards
You will create one source card for each source you get information from. Make source cards as you go along.
Book Source Card Author Name: Title of Work (Book): Publishing City: Publishing Company: Year Published: Page Numbers:
Note cards are used to record the information you find in the sources you use for research. The sources may include books, magazines, internet, interviews, etc.
1. Take notes in your own words. Copying someone else’s work and presenting it as your own is called plagiarism, and it’s against the law. It will also earn you a zero on your report. If you must use a person’s exact words, be sure to put the words in quotation marks. “On opening day, Hank Aaron hit a home run number 714 to tie Babe’s home run record.”
2. Write the main idea. This keeps you on track while you take notes, reminding you exactly what information you’re after. It also helps you sort and organize your note cards when it’s time to write your first draft.
3. Include only one main idea per card. If you put lots of different ideas on the same card, your note cards will be harder to organize later.
4. Keep it short. Write your notes in short, simple phrases. This saves time and helps avoid copying. You can construct longer, more complex sentences later when it’s time to write the paper.
5. Include the source information. Write the source name and page number in the top right corner of each note card.
6. Write only as much as you need. One mistake students often make is to write lots of information that has nothing to do with their topic. Some sources will provide lots of info that you need and others may contain only one or to facts. That’s okay!
Sample note card Source Main Idea Detail 1
,,P. 360 Physical Features of Egypt Sahara Desert Nile River Close to the Mediterranean and Red Sea
Works Cited Official, academic research requires that one document or “cite” the sources used for his/her research. This is done at the end of the final draft in what’s known as the “Works Cited” page.
Specific Book Information Works Cited Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.