OE Presentation For Open Enrollment 2016
OE Dates SHBP (Medical Coverage ONLY) and Employee Express (All Non-Medical Coverage) – Website opens at 12 a.m. October 19, 2015 – Website closes at 11:59 p.m. November 6, 2015 – If you registered last year, you’ll need to change your password.
SHBP Website at ADP DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! 300,000+ members all need to make an election in the same 19 day period! Make changes as often as you like. The last change you make before the website closes will be your election for Be sure to click “Finish,” then print the confirmation page and keep for your records.
Employee Express Changes (I) Go to Employee Express to elect, drop, or change: Flexible Spending MUST be re-elected each year. HFSA-Medical Flexible Spending Account NFSA-Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account If you have Dental, you will not need to re-elect the coverage this year. --DENTAL--VISION --SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY--LIFE INSURANCE --FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS--LIFE LOCK
Employee Express Changes (II) Before making elections in Employee Express, be sure to add your dependents. Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, and phone numbers are required for any dependents. If electing Dental and Vision, be sure you specify which dependents should be covered. LifeLock can NOT protect your dependents without SSN, DOB, and phone number.
True OE for Short Term Disability (STD) plans I STD replaces your salary if you become ill or injured and have exhausted your sick leave. Without sick days or STD, you may have little or no income to live on. We offer two options depending on your needs A 15 day waiting period that replaces 50% of salary at a cost of $1.36 per $1,000 of monthly salary A 45 day waiting period that replaces 60% of salary at a cost of $0.96 per $1,000 of monthly salary
True OE for Short Term Disability (STD) plans II No health questionnaire required to elect STD this year—if you elect it, you will have the coverage. Pre-existing clause still applies so, for example, someone already pregnant won’t have the pregnancy as a covered disability. Encourage anyone who does not have STD to consider it, unless they do not need their salary to live, or have 6 months of sick leave.
True OE for Group Term Life plans No health questionnaire required to elect life insurance this year for yourself, spouse, or child(ren). You must have coverage on yourself equal to or greater than what you elect on your spouse or child(ren). Electing even $10,000 this year preserves your right to increase coverage later with no HQ.
Permanent Life & Critical Illness Individual Policies that you own & keep, even when you resign or retire, but pay for via payroll deduction. Life coverage available for you, spouse, child, grandchild. Critical Illness pays a flat amount for 1 st diagnosis of: Call to inquire about or elect coverage. -- I NVASIVE C ANCER -- H EART A TTACK -- S TROKE -- K IDNEY F AILURE -- B LINDNESS -- M AJOR O RGAN T RANSPLANT -- C ORONARY B YPASS (25%) -- ALS -- P ARALYSIS OF T WO L IMBS -- C ARCINOMA I N S ITU (25%)
Long Term Care Insurance (LTC) I Coverage pays for nursing home, assisted living, and home care (not the same thing as Long Term Disability) Income and assets can be exhausted by one spouse, leaving little for the survivor to live on Average cost of care in metro Atlanta: Home care--$2,160/month (4 hours/day) Adult Day Care--$1,800/month (8-12 hours/day) Assisted Living--$3,060/month Nursing home care--$5,910 for a semi-private room and $6,630 for a private room
Long Term Care Insurance (LTC) I I Individual Policy that you own & keep, even when you resign or retire, but pay for via payroll deduction. Coverage available for you, spouse, parents & grandparents, parents- and grandparents-in-law. You choose the amount of coverage you need per day and for how many years The older you are, the higher the premium Call LTC Solutions at for more information
Where To Find OE Information On the landing page you will find all information for Open Enrollment: Rate Sheets Decision Guides Comparisons, Brief videos, and Links to BCBSGA, UHC, and Kaiser. Links & instructions will also be ed periodically.
Info On Local Coverage
Info on Each Plan
Also at myfultonbenefits.com
What’s New for 2016? Telemedicine! Telemedicine-see and talk to a participating doctor via smartphone, tablet, or computer with a webcam HMO members make their regular office visit co-pay HRA members pay their percentage (15% Gold, 20% Silver, 25% Bronze) even if you have not met your deductible yet Available with all carriers Check your carrier’s website for more information
What’s New for 2016? Incentive Rollover! Wellness Incentive Credits will rollover between all BCBS and UHC plans Change plans without losing what you’ve earned Credits will transfer in April 2016 Credits will roll IN to Kaiser, but you will not earn credits with Kaiser Kaiser members can earn a $240 VISA gift card
What’s New for 2016? Bariatric Pilot! Year 2 of the pilot program Submit an application by February 4 th, 2016 If you applied this year, you must apply again next year 75 total members will be randomly chosen state- wide across all plans Find more info at
What’s New for 2016? HDHP Improvement! Individual family members can now meet a Single deductible and out-of-pocket (OOP) amount No longer have to meet the entire Family deductible for coverage Single deductible is $3,500; EE + Spouse, EE + Child(ren), and EE + Family is $7,000 Single OOP is $6,450; EE + Spouse, EE + Child(ren), and EE + Family is $12,900
What’s New for 2016? Charitable Fund Online! No more forms! (well, almost) Make one-time and annual elections in Employee Express Forms are not personalized, and used only for those who contribute by personal check.
What’s New for 2016? Charitable Fund Online!
What’s Changing for 2016? Vision Premiums There will be a slight increase in vision premiums for Changes are: Employee Only--$6.72 (increase of $0.26) Employee + 1--$12.10 (increase of $0.46) Employee + Family--$18.82 (increase of $0.72)
Definitions (I) Deductible—the $ amount you must pay before charges are paid by the carrier; may be offset by HRA credits Co-pay—a fixed amount paid for a service, such as an office visit, prescription, or ER visit Co-insurance—the % you must pay after the deductible is met; the carrier pays the larger %
Definitions (II) Out-of-pocket maximum (OOP)—when your deductible + co-insurance equal the OOP, the plan pays 100% of covered charges for the rest of the year. HRA credits—dollars given by SHBP under the plan to offset the deductible or to pay for Rx Negotiated rate—the amount agreed to be charged and accepted between a provider and carrier
SHBP Plan Info (I)
SHBP Plan Info (II)
Important Facts about the 2016 Health Coverage (I) Provider network will vary between BCBSGA, UHC, and Kaiser. BCBSGA network is identical for HRA and HMO plans. Rx are again managed through Express Scripts for all BCBSGA and UHC plans. Kaiser manages their own. Rx co-pays and co-insurance may have an impact on the deductible and OOP amounts: Rx coverageHRAHMOHDHP DeductibleNo Yes Out-of-pocketYes
Important Facts about the 2016 Health Coverage (II) No pre-existing conditions, no referrals needed for a specialist with BCBS and UHC Only 1 ID card for Medical, Rx, and Wellness Mail order Rx and Disease Management programs continue in HRA and HMO plans HDHP plan has no Disease Management HRA credits from 2015 roll over HRA credits are no longer lost when moving to the HMO or HDHP plan
Important Facts about the 2016 Health Coverage (III) A single person can’t satisfy more than the Single deductible (and OOP) with EE + Spouse, EE + Child(ren), EE + Family A person in acute treatment on 1/1/16 can apply for Transition of Care (continue w/non-participating Dr.) In/Out-of-network deductibles and OOP amounts are completely separate—one does not satisfy the other New employees in October and November must make the New Hire election and Open Enrollment election at least one day apart
Wellness Requirements Remain All plans earn Wellness Incentives; only HDHP members have a threshold before they can be used WBA and Biometric Screening BOTH required to earn $240 in incentives Earn another $240 in incentives (in increments of $40) with telephone coaching or an online well-being plan over a 6 month period Spouse can earn $480 also if covered Kaiser members earn a $240 VISA gift card
Going out to the Federal Exchange SHBP plans are “adequate” and “affordable” as defined by ACA Any person may purchase coverage on the exchange for any reason Access to adequate and affordable plan through employer prohibits receiving federal subsidy Any FCS employee purchasing exchange coverage will have to pay the whole cost of the coverage Exchange coverage premiums can NOT be payroll deducted and are after tax
Strategy For Making an Election (I) As always, look at how you use health care. Minimal users might prefer the lower cost plans. People with frequent office visits might prefer an HMO plan. Remember that premiums are always deducted, while you may not always need services. Consider the level of benefits + premium + HFSA amount.
Strategy For Making an Election (II) The choice is going to come down to personal preference about costs, convenience, and freedom. Pay less premium per month, but more for services when they are rendered Kaiser is self-contained—only one place to go for everything Having freedom to choose an out-of-network doctor means electing an HRA or HDHP plan
Health Flexible Spending Account (HFSA) I Set aside amounts to pay co-pays, meet deductibles, and pay for Rx HFSA can also be used for dental and vision services Can be used for dependents’ charges even if spouse/children are not on an FCS plan. IMPORTANT! HFSA is used for ALL family member’s expenses. NFSA is used only to pay for day care while you work, not for medical expenses for dependents.
Health Flexible Spending Account (HFSA) II Choose from $300 to $2,600 for the year Set aside only what you know you will spend, because unused money over $500 is forfeited. Up to $500 remaining at the end of the year can be rolled over to E-claims tracker makes reimbursement almost painless.
Health Savings Account (HSA) HSA is very different from HFSA HSA only available if you have a HDHP FCS does not offer an HSA—need to set up privately at a bank or broker If you have an HSA, you can NOT use the HFSA
Where To Go For More Information Blue Cross Blue Shield – or call United Healthcare – or call Kaiser Permanente – or call Open Enrollment materials – – click the green button for the Employee Benefits Center (the Open Enrollment information should be on the landing page) FCS Plans (Dental, Vision, Disability, Life, ID Theft, Flexible Spending – – click the green button for the Employee Benefits Center, then click “Employee Benefits” or call
Where To Go To Make Elections Health Elections: FCS Plans: Employee Express You can reach everywhere you need to get from
Miscellaneous Leave Administration Class will be recorded on Edivate and on the Employee Portal Anyone eligible for--but not enrolled in--the Sick Leave Bank will receive an with a link to enroll. All those that missed re-electing Dental last OE can elect now with no penalty Biometric screening scheduling going on now