Hydro Europe 2016 Team L Influence of the various model parameters (Hec HMS + Mike SHE) 1
2 I.Brief softwares presentation II.Hec HMS 1.Model 2.Parameters 3.Results III.Mike SHE 1.Model 2.Parameters 3.Results IV.Conclusion Summary:
3 I.Brief softwares presentation Hec HMS: Lumped model Based on various model Free software Mike SHE: Distributed model Based on Saint Venant equation Paid software
4 II. Hec HMS A.Model Kinematic waves SCS Unit Hydrograph Tc, Tlag CN SCS Curve Number 3 2
5 B. Parameters Curve Number - % of imperviousness - Manning’s n Model calibration: Volume error < 5%- Peak error < 1,5% - Tpeak error = 30 min
6 C. Results CN increases Peak discharge becomes higher Percentage of completely impervious area increases the discharge peak becomes higher A certain percentage of variation in the CN doubles the relative error in the output, while the same variation in the percentage of impervious area only deviates a quarter in the peak discharge.
7 Manning roughness does not influence significantly the peak discharge. But, when decreasing the roughness, the peak discharge increases and appears earlier.
8 III. Mike SHE A. Model Basic model setup used in the tutorial 75 x 75 m grid Rainfall data from the flood event 04/11/ :00 until 06/11/ :00 Only Overland Flow and Rivers and Lakes Modules used Focus on parameters with physical meaning Computational parameters unchanged Ignored parameters considered negligible for the flood event or without enough data to investigate (in the modules Evapotranspiration, Unsaturated Flow, Saturated Flow)
9 NRFIWD DS Manning
10 B. Parameters Net Rainfall Fraction: Fraction of rainfall available for infiltration and overland flow Reference model: constant value of 0.9 in the entire domain Manning (Strickler) value: Reference values from landuse file given in the tutorial Detention Storage: Used to limit the amount of water that can flow over the ground surface Reference value 0 Initial Water Depth: Typically 0m If a non-zero initial condition is prescribed, water will flow into the model as long as the internal water level is lower than the set value (the boundary will act as a source of water)
11 C. Results NRF:
14 Detention Storage:
17 Conclusion As steeper the curve, the parameter has more influence in the HEC HMS model. Hec HMS:
18 Mike SHE: No linear dependence among parameters. Most influential: Net Rainfall Fraction and Strickler on River Bed
19 Thank you for listening !